The Great Pursuit

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Song: Avril Lavigne - I'm with you

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Everything was still in the forest, most likely hearing my entrance. Frozen, I stood rooted to the spot waiting for something to happen. it quiet, too quiet.

Suddenly, an insect hummed and like a chain reaction, everything else begin to come alive all at once.

The soft sounds of small animals shuffling, yipping, and the harmonic sounds that came in through the trees and plants all filled my ears tenderly. Branches jingled, dark thick purples leaves and oily green ones hung from the trees. Little buds decorated the leaves on the trees, which was what made the trees glow and gleam to life.

I turned to a pink flower that stood out like a sore thumb in the mass of glows and colors.

It was about thigh high and a thin yellow sap oozed out of its closed petals and down its thick stem. Cautiously, I approached the closed flower and examined it carefully. Just the sight of it was enchanting, it felt like it was calling to me telling me come closer.

 Letting curiosity take over, I poked it gently. Quickly retrieving my finger, I watched the flower sway from side to side like it was doing a little upbeat dance. Then quickly the petals opened, bursting off of the flower while simultaneously letting out a sound that sounded like a bag of soft laughters.

The pink petals flared around me, dancing in circles, rapidly blinking with different colors. They swayed and drifted in the night around me, while the light flutter of giggling could be heard. The petal-less flower glowed a bright orange hue and as the petals drifted farther away from the flower, the glow died down until the petals disappeared from my view completely and the flower sunk, like it was bowing its head in conclusion.

I stepped away, still amazed by the show and continued to venture in the forest, feeling at ease. The sound of a creek that whispered could be heard. Tall tress that stretched to the darkened skies created a branch canopy for me, as my ears perked truly hearing the voice of nature. Low tree branches grabbed at my jeans and I hit them lightly away, their leave's glow lighting a path for me in the twist and curls of the dense forest. A melodious hum of all the creatures that lived here hung in the forest, almost sounding like a gentle lullaby. Slowly a creak came into view. In the clear water rocks, that actually sparkled as the moon's light hit it, laid gently at the bottom while small fish swam easily through the slow moving creek. My hand touched the water, creating a ripple. The stream let out what sounded like a sigh and I touched it again, the same sound came from it.

Getting up, I looked up at the sky. Selene hung heavily in the sky, her silver light mixing in with all the other colors of the forest. It felt so surreal at that moment, like I was in some mystical enchanted forest, hell I probably was.

 I realized I was probably deep in the forest since on the outer edges, the trees and plants didn't glow at all and just resembled a regular forest. The air smelt crisp and minty. Closing my eyes, I reveled in the peace I was feeling from being out here. Everything had a peaceful essence to it that put my troublesome body and thoughts at rest for the time being.

Suddenly a loud growling cut through the air, following by a low piercing animal cry that cut through the night and my heart. Its distressed, pained filled screams seemed to cut through the tranquil filled air, echoing through the forest. 

My eyes snapped open in alarm and not even twenty yards from me animal eyes, death swirling in them, stared at me vacantly, while another animal ate into it. I put my hand over my mouth, feeling bile rise up my throat at the site in front of me.

The large carnivorous animal continued to eat into its prey. Its broad black shoulder stuck out the most. What looked like scales lined the spine, but the rest of its back was covered in long dark fur. From this angle, I could see one foot that had large thick claws sticking out of them, that could probably puncture you straight through the heart.

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