Girl Fight

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"Mom!" I screamed, pounding on the glass as hard as I could. What sounded like ice breaking alerted me that my strategy was working.

Like the first dream, I begin using my shoulder to break out of the confined glass. Lines of breakage begin to crawl outwards with each shoulder strike. And also like before my mom stared at me with void eyes, unmoving. "Twinkle." She whispered in a heartbreaking tone.

The glass box was breaking inch by inch. I gave one last hard push, my face set. With an explosive roar, the glass broke. I stumbled backwards hitting my back on the glass behind me that stood unbroken, eyes going wide at the sight in front of me. 

In midair the glass levitated right where it broke, floating effortlessly while my parents stood in the same spot like brainless zombies. I stared at the glass becoming increasingly confused and perplexed. This situation was just becoming more and more insane.

Moving towards the floating shards, my hand outreached and immediately I pulled it back feeling the glass prick my hand. Instinctively, I brought my hand back watching five cuts appear where I had touched five shards trying to move them out of my way. The blood oozed down my trembling hand and I sucked in a breath, feeling the same hopeless feeling again.

Just like last time, the darkness appeared. "Mom." I whispered in broken voice watching as the black fog slithered its way towards them.

Her golden eyes stared back at me solemnly, "twinkle."  That was my nickname I assumed quickly. They were right in front of me and I couldn't reach them. No matter how hard I tried to reach them, I never could. I was fighting a losing battle and my efforts were all for nothing.

 "No." I said through clenched teeth, my eyes blinding me with tears. I couldn't lose them again.

The darkness was already at their feet. I realized the darkness couldn't get in this glass. I had to save them.

A sob ripped from my throat, stepping back. I had just tried to push through the glass again but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't escape this small prison. The glass just stayed rooted to the spot, floating and keeping me locked in and putting me in a pain. Cuts lined my arms and face.

The darkness was at their waist, slowly crawling up. "Not again." I shook my head in denial.

No! I wouldn't lose them again. I moved to the shards again pushing through them maniacally, but they repelled me back and I bit back a scream, feeling like I was getting multiple paper cuts all at once. I tried once more and it repelled me back and I fell to my knees hurting all over. "Mom!" I cried, reaching my arms out, blood trailed on them.

She stared at my outstretched arms with a solemn blank stare. "Twinkle."

And just like before the darkness took her away from me.

I woke up, breathing erratically and feeling tears streaming down my face. The warm tears fell on my chin and briskly I swiped them away. I tried to smother my sobs with my hand hoping to not wake up Ike, but failed miserably as I felt the covers moving. Instinctively, his arms wrapped around me pulling me into his chest. The action made me feel protected and safe. With the feel of his arms around me, the hope of not crying in front of Ike ever again fell down the drain. I sobbed into his chest for what felt like hours and he let me patiently waiting until I was ready to tell him what was wrong.

"My parents." I croaked out lowly once I finally was able to gain a bit of control. The crying made my voice raspy and my nose runny. I sniffed."It was different this time, this time I broke the glass but I couldn't get out." I explained, already having explained to him about the first dream I had. He was quiet and I let out a quiet sob.

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