Unwelcome Arrival

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This chapter is dedicated to Andnay. Thank-you so much for your comments. I just love it and I love your enthusiasm about reading my story and your feedback. Thank-you so much.

I stayed with Mist until the sun was almost set and the day was chilling into a night coldness. The sky had tinted to a dark violet, reminding me of Ike's eyes.

Closing mine, I quickly shoved that thought away. Forget about Ike. I don't even care. He's been making preparations for his Golden Ball, so I haven't seen him since he's been in his father's office for the majority of the time. Two people I did not want to see at all. He's rude to me, he's arrogant, and-

"Why didn't he want me." My conscience sung mockingly.

"I was not going to say that!" I hissed mentally.

"Sure. . .so here's the plan to win him-", I cut it off, right then and there.

"I don't want that asshole so leave me alone", I snapped. Scowling, I pushed it away and turned to Mist. It seemed like the good crying helped, but her overall mood was still dreary and sad.

Wrapping my arm around her thin shoulders, I looked down at her sincerely. "How you doing?" I winced, knowing that was a stupid question. How was she doing? Obviously not good Avril.

She shrugged one shoulder sadly, smiling lips sealed gloomily. "Better. . .thanks for listening."

With a dismissive wave of my hand, I looked away bashfully. I never really comforted someone before and I felt kinda vulnerable with Mist looking at me like that. I mean I'm known for being hotheaded, rash, and straight forward and telling you stuff when maybe you don't want to hear it, so a person like that is not really looked at as the person to go to for advice. Trying to be aloof, I crossed my arms. "No problem."

She laughed. My head shot to her. "What's so funny?" I squinted my eyes.

Shaking her head knowing something I didn't know, she replied, "nothing, Av, nothing. You want to go inside, it's getting kinda cold." She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. I nodded and together we both got up off the swing and this time she didn't leave me behind as we trailed through the maze. The flowers this time actually seemed like they weren't trying to trip me up and silently we walked through the maze, me keeping close to Mist's side.

"You sure you okay? I mean you don't want to cry any more, I mean to get the emotions out and ", I stopped my rambling and just sighed, looking at her hoping she knew what I meant. Once again me and emotions suck.

She smiled, amusement displayed on her face instead of sadness. "Yeah I'm good." We both smiled at each other, for her I don't know why, for me because I had cheered Mist up. How? I have no idea really, but who cares because I cheered her up.

We had made our way out of the extraordinary maze and were walking across the grass, when I decided to speak into the comfortable silence. "So this golden ball. . .", I trailed.

"What about it?" Mist questioned aloofly. Her eyes trailing away from me with a knowing look. I could already feel that it was going to be hard to get anything out of her.

My shoulders slumped, was I going to have to force the information out of her. "What goes down?" I asked, practically exhausted just from those few words.

"Oh well you're attending and you're one of the female suitors."

For some reason my stomach fluttered when I heard this, but I ignored it quickly thinking of another question before my brain could pinpoint the reason why.

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