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August's POV :

After my grandma passed away, a wave of darkness took over me. I didn't care about anything or anyone. Not even the people I cared about the most.

My grandma was one of the most important people in my life. My dad was always "busy" with work. Yeah more like face deep in another woman. My mom had to work during the night, so my sisters and I would stay with our Granny. She would let us stay up later than our mom said and give us candy like all the time. It was like a vacation when we stayed over with her. I loved her to death, she was like a second mom to me and my sisters. But a few days ago, she passed away. She had been around her 70s, early 80s. We had her funeral and I just wanted to be alone for a while. But I scolded myself for being so selfish. I had my family scared shitless, because I wasn't eating or leaving my room. I was the only one who took her death hard. I made myself get up and shower. I can't say I'm still not sad, but I can say I am way better than 3 days ago. May my granny rest in peace.

I felt like a jerk as Willow walked out of my room a few days ago, but I physically couldn't get up and stop her from leaving. I know it's weird, it's hard to explain.

But now I stood against a wall, watching Willow from afar. She was chatting animatedly with Thea and some other girl. I know, I know. I sound like a stalker. But I didn't know what to say or how to approach her.

A hand grips my shoulder. I turn and see Colby. I relax a little and turn back to Willow.

"You're staring like she's a piece of meat, and you're a hungry, vicious dog bro." Colby says jokingly. I cross my arms over my chest and sigh. " I don't know what to say."

He looks at me, then her. He held his gaze on her a bit too long for my liking. A low growl like sound escapes my throat. Had I really just growled? Jesus! I have become way too obsessed with this girl.

He laughs "Hey, don't go all macho man on me! I know she's yours. And how about you start with "hi".

I nod but don't move off the wall. Colby grabs me by my shoulders and pushes me towards Willow. I stumble closer to the blondie in front of me. I take a deep breath and stutter out "H-hi."

Willow looks in my direction. Her once slight frown turns into a huge grin. She dashes into my chest and I hurriedly wrap my arms around her. I place my cheek on the top of her head. God how I missed this girl! I missed her smile. Her laugh. Her everything.

Sadly, she pulls away and smirks up at me. I stare at her, with a stupid grin plastered on my face. I couldn't help it! She made me happy.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

My heart warms at this. Damn it! I have become such a pussy! One sentence from this one and I was wanting to kiss the breath out of her. But I knew she wouldn't like that. Since we were in school and all. But I definitely would not hold back if we weren't in a place I like to call hell.

"Yes Blondie, I'm now. I- just I was kinda down for a while." I give her a reassuring grin. She takes my hand and leads me closer to her locker. Thea and that random girl were talking in hushed voices. Probably about me. I mean I did disappear for like a week and a half, so I guess they have the right.

"Hey Laney, you know August right?" Willow points to me. I look over at "Laney". Wait. She was that girl with Kamilla and Anna. And now Willow was willingly hanging with her?

"Sure! Everyone knows him. Laney nice to meet you." Laney perks up. I give her a small wave, while I wrap my arm around Blondie's shoulder. She shrugs it off and gives me a warning glare. I just smirk and wrap my arm tighter around her. I didn't care if she worried what people thought. Other people can go and suck it for all I care.

The bell rings and I bid my goodbyes to everyone. I stroll to my 5th hour, PE Class. I had Colby and Bryce in this class. We never really participated though. We just chilled by the bleachers talking about the hottest girl or some crap like that. I just drowned them out.

"Did things go well? She looked pretty happy." Colby jumps on my back. I shove him off, "Well yeah better than expected! She didn't kill me so."

He laughs, and Bryce decided to join us. He waves his phone around like a moron. "I got Anna's number! This is freaking amazing!"

Colby slaps him on the shoulder and laughs loudly. "You lucky dawg!" I shake my head at them. I mean they can be real idiots sometimes. Did they think that Kamilla and Anna actually liked them. Maybe they did, but I really doubt that those girls like my friends. Colby and Bryce deserved better than those walking STDs anyways.

"Are you coming to the waterfall tomorrow?"

I look over at Bryce. I make a face of disgust. Bryce looks sad for a second but then pipes up "You can bring Willow, also there will be some good beer!"

Willow can come? Well count me in. Shit. I'm way too whipped. She had so much control over me and she had no idea!


*gasp* August's POV! What did you think?

It's kinda hard to write in guy's POV, well because I'm not one. But I think I did okay.

QOTC: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?



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