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Willow Grace: 

August has been avoiding me. He won't even talk to me. Thea has been avoiding me too! She barely speaks to me. I didn't think they hated Danny this bad. He was a good guy! Laney, thankfully, hung out with me. Bryce and Colby didn't stick around, but I didn't mind, they didn't really stick with us girls. 

I sat, on the green grass, along with Danny. We were in the same park, Misson Park, the one where I first had a real conversation August. And the time where Bryce and Theo had a chugging contest. And when August told me his parents were getting a divorce..

"Willow! Come over here." Danny waves at me. I laugh and run over to him, who was currently hanging upside down on the monkey bars. His head was almost touching the ground, due to his height. 

"Want to have a hanging contest? You know like when we were kids?" He laughs. I nod "I couldn't pass that up!" I grab onto a bar and kick my legs up over it. I let my arms fall down. I giggle at Danny's face, which was bright red. He just puts his hands over his bright red cheeks. 

I don't remember who won. Danny maybe? I couldn't remember. Right now I was glaring at August. Who was currently with Thea! At the same park as us. They came here just to spite me. Anger boiled up in me as more time passed and they just sat there. Chatting away like I wasn't even here! I knew they knew I was here. They would glance at me from time to time. 

"...and then I was like "No bro!" and I smacked him in the arm." Danny drones on. He taps me on the shoulder. "You aren't listening, are you?" 

I sigh "I'm sorry, I-umh tell it again." Danny looks over to my "friends". 

"Why don't you go talk to them?" He nods in their direction. I cross my arms. "Because! Because..."

Why wasn't I already talking to them? I was avoiding them as well in a way. I stand up and strut over to them.  Thea's eyes widen and August looks over his shoulder. I slam my hands onto the picnic table. "Why are you avoiding me!"

Thea jumps a little. August looks off into the distance. I felt like I was in middle school, playing these stupid little drama games! 

"You really can't be that blind, Willow." Thea whispers, looking directly at Danny, who was sitting on top of the monkey bars now. 

"What is this about Danny? It's not my fault you guys don't like him!" I shout. 

"Yeah, you do all the liking for us." August mutters. What?? Liking? 

"You think I like Danny," I comment in realization. They looked at me like I was dumb. 

I scoffed. "August do you really think I would do that to you! Damn, it sucks to see how you see me! Instead of assuming you should have asked me. Here I'll answer it for you! I do not like Danny! He is my friend. More of a friend than you two are acting! Thea, I really thought more of you! Ditching me like that...was a rude move."  

 Then I stomp off, leaving them dumbfounded. I grab my bag and walk to my truck. Danny follows soon after. The only reason I was with him was because I was his ride. I drove him home and then drove myself back to mine. 

It sucks to see how the people you love most perceive you as.


Hi my little kiwis! How are you guys? Guys! We hit #108 in Teen Fiction a few weeks ago!! I am so grateful! I know I don't update as much. But I am super thankful for every one of you! Gahhhh and we have 23k views and almost 700 votes!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summer is coming up and I will have alot more time on my hands. 

I would like some suggestions! What would you like to see more of? 

QOTC: What are your plans for Summer 2018? 

{Vote and Comment :) } 

- Ava 

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