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"Pat almost got arrested again." August muttered to me as we passed in the hall. I stopped in my tracks. My heart beat furiously. I had grown kinda close with Pat. Had he really almost gotten arrested? Why didn't I know this already? 

I managed to spit out "How?"

"Someone in his trailer park recognized him and called the police. Thankfully Pat was not there when the police arrived. I'm glad I was fast enough..." He explained wistfully.

I gawked at him in disbelief.So if August had not been there, Pat would be back in a jail cell. y heart sank. Pat did not belong in a cell. I still didn't know why he had been placed in one, to begin with, but Pat was super nice! He did not deserve this. 

August must have noticed my surprised expression. "He's okay. For now. I'll try and move him."

I nodded at him. But would that really work? Wouldn't someone else 'notice' Pat and report to the police! I guess August knew what he was doing, he has been doing this for a while. Plus it wasn't truly my business. I just happened to help one time. I didn't have to get involved. But just being me I was going to be so involved you could call me a "West" Dictionary.  

  I sat at my desk quietly for the remainder of my classes. I did the work they shoved at me but my mind was far away from stupid math or history.  I really hope Pat will be okay. And August too. 

"So I'm taking you and Laney on a trip to the salon that was just built. I love Laney a lot, but if I hear about her hunting one more time I'm going to jump off a cliff. So you cannot say no! You are coming too." Thea grumbles. 

I look at her incredulously. "Laney hunts?"  

Thea glares at me.  "You will not back out of this Willow! Promise?"

I groan. A salon trip? Makeovers? Gross. 

"Willow! Promise or so help me I will sic Laney on you. And let me tell you she doesn't play around with when it comes to hunting"

"Fine! Fine!" I throw my arms up in annoyance. 

She pinches my cheek "Good. See you Friday at noon." Great, that's a day from now!

Oh jeez, someone send me help please.


"Okay! So what do you think? Magic Metallic or Yummy Yellow?" Thea holds up two little bottles. I look at them both and decide on the yellow.

Laney, on the other hand, chooses the Metallic one. Thea sighs, probably thinking about how useless we are. I turn away from the manic fashion freaks and glance out the window. THere's only so much pink and purple you can take. 

The salon wasn't that bad. I mean it was really nice, I just don't usually like makeovers. I went first, only getting my hair trimmed. I didn't want to blow up Thea's credit card. Laney insisted she pay for herself.

"You guys suck!" Thea had complained. But honestly, I think she was happy to have extra money for food. 

"Willow! I need help choosing a color for highlights!" 

I facepalm and reluctantly walked over. My friends were crowded by a sheet of paper with different shades of Auburn hair colors. Once again Laney and I chose different shades, being no help to Thea.  

When would this trip be over? I wanted to go eat! 

"So, Thea tells me you hunt." I turn to Laney. Her eyes light up as she starts describing different types of animals she has shot. 

"Well that's great! Thea was actually wanting to try it out one day. Maybe she could go with you the next time you go." I hide my amusement as Thea's face drops in astonishment. Payback's a bitc--

Erm, a butthole.

"Sure! I'm planning to go next week! I'd be happy to teach you!" Laney droned on as we walked to a little burger place across from the Salon. Thea flipped me off behind her back. I snickered and ran up to the door. I found us a table while they ordered. Thea knew what I liked so she ordered for me. 

 They joined me and we talked about life honestly. School, our plans for the future and so on.

And everything was fine until our food showed up.

On the tray, there were two normal burgers. But I wasn't focused on that one. Along with the normal ones, A huge burger towered over them.

I immediately realized what Thea had done. She ordered the Meaty Moutain. This restaurant had a challenge if you ate the whole thing your order was free, but if you didn't you had to pay for the 40 dollar burger. And I knew Thea wasn't going to pay for this if I lost. 

"Goodluck! Do you know the rules?" The waitress asked, a little bit of worry hidden in her voice. 

"Yes. Thank you." I frowned.

"Wow Willow, hope you can finish that." Thea smiled playfully.

"I'm going to hurt you so bad if I survive this." I promised.

"Sure, if you can even move after this."

Laney and Thea giggle at me as I struggled with this monstrosity. And finally an hour and a half later, there were only a few pesky crumbs. Our meal was paid for but Thea's life was on the line. 

"Oh umh! I'm so sorry. I love you Willow--" She held her hands up in defense. I stomped towards her like Godzilla. Fear swelled up in her eyes. She looked at Laney for help but she just walked backward with her hands up.

Thea picked her pace and ran down the road. I chased after her. I honestly wasn't mad, I deserved it. But it was fun to see the living fear in her eyes.


Hey!!! What's up! How are y'all today?

Thank you guys for all the likes and votes!!! I love you guys so much!

QOTC: Do you guys show self-love enough?

I feel like we don't love ourselves enough! #bodypositivty



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