Chapter 7

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The next day I woke up and got dressed for school. On my way out, Grams called me into the living room. 

"Hi sweetie, your Uncle Jay called and Aunt Christy is sick so I'm flying up to Boston to help them with the kids while she gets better. I will only be gone for a week. Will you be ok alone?" 

"Sure Grams that's fine. When are you leaving?" 

"Tomorrow night." 

"Ok. Well I got to go. Love you!" I left and picked up Layla. As I pulled up, Beckett was out in front of the apartment complex, shirtless smoking a cigarette. 

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"Aye, sup Springs." He said as I pulled up.

"Nothing much, what about you Mr. College?"

"Ugh. Never take psychology. Ever." He said dramatically. I laughed and Layla came running out with her bag. 

"Kaila! We have got to go!" She threw her stuff in the back and jumped in the car. I hit the gas pedal and we are off.

"What's wrong?!" I said. 

"Apparently there was a homework assignment in Biology?!"

"Yeah, the worksheet he gave us yesterday?" I said staring at my disorganized friend. 


"At the end when he said 'this is homework don't leave without it and have it in tomorrow'"I replied failing at imitating our teacher.

"Th-at w-as hi-lar-ious!" She said between laughs. 


We pulled up to school and she rushed to the study area to work on the sheet. I got to my locker and took out my books. As I was putting them in my bag, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled my against a hard chest. I smiled and knew it was my night in shining leather.

I turned around and he pinned me to the locker and put his hands on my waist. He smiled. "Good Morning my love." 

"Good morning." I pulled his head down and kissed his cheek, yet just at the last second he turned his head and I kissed his lips instead. His hand came up and he cupped my cheek and kissed me passionately. 

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