Chapter 23

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Prom. It was in three days and Layla and I were frantically looking for shoes and accessories to match our dresses. Sky was also with us and had become a close friend of ours. 

All of my injuries were healed up and thank God. I did not want to walk into prom with a big annoying boot like Bella in Twilight. 

We walked through the mall looking in the shops. I was already going wear my seashell necklace but  just wanted a matching bracelet and needed some shoes. Layla goes into one store to get something she ordered so Sky and I go to Jamba Juice and order some smoothies.

"Are you excited for prom?" She asked.

"Yeah. I can't wait to go with Justin. How about you?"

"Same. The way Hunter asked was so cute and funny."

"Oh yeah! He was so nervous talking to us about it. How was it?"

"He took me bowling and he got up and rolled the ball and he got a split. And when we looked up at the screen it said, 'will you go to prom with me?'. I said yes of course but it was so cute and gunny because he was supposed to get a strike and ended with a split." We laughed. 

That's quirky Hunter for you. Layla ran over to us. "We need to go!" 

"What-" Before I could finish she grabbed our arms and pulled us to the doors of the mall. 

She shoved us into the car and drove off. 

"Layla, what's wrong?" Sky asked. 

"I'm going to be sick." she said as her face paled and she had tears running down her face.


"She cheated on him!" She yells. She pulls over to the side of the rode and looks out the window. "Tanya cheated on Beckett."

We gasped in shock. Tanya was the college student training to be a teacher at our school. They've been together since the pool party. In fact, she's the only one who has been able to tame Beckett's bachelor ways. They always look at each other with love. 


"I went to the bathroom and I heard a weird noise in the janitors closet next to it and I heard a guy moaning Tanya. I freaked at first but then thought it must have been a coincidence but hen she came sauntering out and when she saw me sh just ran." Layla cried some more. "How am I supposed to tell Beckett?!"

I leaned over the center console and hugged her. We switched places and drove to Sky's apartment. We got in and ate some Ben & Jerry ice cream while watching the Kissing Booth. 

Eventually, it got late so we all parted ways and I headed home. I felt so bad for Layla. Beckett came to pick her up and she said she would talk to him when they got home. 

I got into the house and had dinner with Dad and Grams and face timed Justin. 

"Hey babe." He said adjusting the camera. 


"What's wrong?"

"Layla found Tanya cheating on Beckett."

"What?! That bitch! That sucks." 


"Want me to come over?" He said wagging his eyebrows.


"So I can comfort you." he said smugly.

"Are you seriously using this as a chance for sex?!"

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