Chapter 19

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"Darling!!" Layla said running up to me. 

"I've missed you so much sweets." I said hugging her. 

"It has been far too long since we last saw each other."

"Indeed it has."

"You two are so weird." Danny said behind us. 

"We know." We both answered laughing. 

Justin pulled me to his side and Drake pulled Layla to his. Hunter held onto Sky as we all started making our way in. 

"Thanks guys. Way to make a guy feel like a seventh wheel." Danny muttered. 

"Sorry you're a player who can't hold onto a girl." I said back. We all laughed and headed to the rides. 

We did a few rides and walked around. Justin and the guys saw one of their football coaches standing with his wife near one game and decided to sneak up on him. Let's just say it ended with them all getting smacked upside the head and having to wash his car on Monday after school. 

Layla and I recorded it on our phones and continued to laugh at it throughout the night. She posted it on Instagram and put it on my snapchat story and everyone loved it. Hers already had six hundred likes. 

"Babe, look up." Justin whispered. 

I looked up to see the giant Ferris wheel. Layla looked up too and we both squealed. Hunter put an arm around Sky, and we grabbed our boyfriends and made our way there . 

"Hell no! I ain't third wheeling anybody on this thing!" Danny yelled.

"Good because each cart only holds two so that wouldn't be comfortable." Drake says. Danny pouts but gets in line behind us. 

We all pile into our carts with Danny behind me and Justin. The ride slowly starts and we are carts starts to move. I leaned my head on Justin's shoulder as we moved up towards the top. 

The ride pause for five seconds so each cart was at the top for a moment, and when Justin and I were finally there he pulled me in close and whispered now into his phone. Fireworks shot off and I was amazed. 

"Look down." He said. I looked and there was a bunch of people from school holding a banner that said, "Will you go to Prom with me Kaila?". 

My eyes watered up and I screamed yes as I tackled him into a kiss. He held onto my waist and pulled me into him. My fingers played with his dog tag while my other hand played with his hair. 

The ride started to move again and Danny was finally at the top looking lonely and very adorable as he pouted. "Always a Pringle but never able to mingle." He yelled over at us. 


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We laughed and kissed as we kept going down on the ride. 


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