10 - Flying Horse Shoes

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"You've officially been discharged, your mother will pick you up within a few minutes, you can sit down in the waiting room," The receptionist commands as she points over to the waiting lobby. Blake nods in response, she brings out her earphones and plugs them into her ears and phone and began to listen to her soothing music.

Survivor by 2WEI. An epic cover for the Tomb Raider trailer. It was powerful. The music transitioned from soft melodies from a soul music genre to a loud melody like rock or heavy metal.

As the melody rang in her ears, it made her daydream and close her eyes. No matter how many times she listens to it, she can't get tired of it. Blake felt a tap on her shoulder, her eyes jolted open and she saw her mother and little sister. Blake smiled softly and gets up, her mother helps her up and slowly exits the hospital.

Blake gets in the front seat of the car and they went off back to their house. She was informed to not go to school after being discharged from the hospital, she'll take the night's rest and go back to school, she heals pretty quickly because she was an athlete.

"Can you explain to me why you were around with those delinquents?" Blake's mother questioned.

Blake stiffens, "I saw them riding their bikes late at night and I was wondering what they were up to, they broke it into the museum through the window and I just followed them by climbing the roof and looked through the ceiling window and noticed Jim and Toby figh--"

"'Figh'?" She echoed.

"--finding Toby's chubby tracker!" Blake laughed, "He lost it when we were on the museum trip, he realizes that he lost it and they retraced their steps all the way to the museum and they found it last night," Blake explains with a lie. She'd hope that her mother took that lie because she is good at detecting lies like a police dog sniffing out for drugs.

"Oh ok, but I can't believe they would do that kind of thing just for a Chubby tracker," Blake's mother says as she walks outside of her room. Blake smiles and waited for her to exit her room. She sighs loudly and falls onto her bed.

"Those guys owe me two things," Blake sits up and a frown was on her face as she goes on her laptop, "first, an explanation and for bringing me to the hospital,"

Her day went by fast, the prescription she was given made her feel drowsy and sleepy. So, it made her fall asleep at an early time - 7 PM, right after dinner.

As the next day came by, Blake felt sick. She hated taking medicine. The bitter and dry taste when it entered Blake's taste buds and the hit the back of her throat. She wanted to throw up but the medicine was meant to make her feel better, not sick.

Blake was dropped off at her school from her mother's car, "and don't forget: don't ride your motorcycle for a week - it'll open your stitches," Blake rolls her eyes and nods. She closes the door and starts walking.

"Oh no, Claire," Jim says.

"Claire? A changeling?" Toby shouts, feeling surprised that Claire was a changeling all along at their school.

"No. When I thought I was gonna die, I wrote Claire a letter, too and told her everything," Jim looks past Toby and notices Blake walking toward the school, "Blake,"

"Blake is a changeling?!" Toby exclaims.

"No. I wrote her a letter as well and told her everything because she saw something that we can't lie about the curator," Jim explains as she puts his head down.


"Everything," Jim pedals to give himself some speed as the school bell rings. Before he could get into the school and try to avoid Claire, it was too late. Claire yells towards Jim and walked to his side.

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