58 - Triple Date Gone Wrong?

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After everything that happened at Spenser's place had made Blake on edge, but slowly she backed away and looked at the bigger picture about Spenser Day. Not only he was an alien - Gemnion. He was a kind person who treated Blake with kindness. Blake focused on that more than what he was. She looked at who he was as a human being than a Gemnion.

To get everything off of their plate, they decided to go on a date at iTea. Spenser noticed Jim and Toby with their dates. A sudden idea came to his head, "let's join them, they're all on dates. We'll turn their double date into a triple date!" Spenser exclaims with glee. Blake smiled and agreed.

The couple jumps in and greeted each other, "hey, Blake and Spenser! It's been a while since we saw you, how have you been?" Claire questioned with a gentle smile.

"I've been good, I feel relieved after talking about my stress with Blake," Spenser states as he kissed Blake's head, "and we're here on a date. Can we join you guys and make your double date into a triple date?" Spenser questioned.

The others agreed. Blake and Spenser grab two empty chairs from an empty table and joined their table.

"Hey, guys. It's steak night tonight, it's only $4.99 if you're interested," Blake advertised.

The rest thought about it, "we'll look through the menu and we'll let you know if we will," Darci says as she picks up the menu. The rest of them looked in the menu and started to talk about what was on the menu for tonight. They noticed the duck on the menu and they had their mind on it that it became the topic from ducks from Paris.

"You people eat ducks?" Spenser questioned.

"Um, yeah, we do. In Paris, they do it all the time," Darci answers.

"Those poor ducklings~!" Spenser cried. Darci smiled nervously. Blake comforts him and reassured him about the ducks. The other two couples started to talk to each other about Paris alone while Blake tried to comfort Spenser and prevent him from crying. The waiter comes to the table and greets himself. It was the new student that Blake doesn't know about.

"Gentlemen, ladies, what can I get for you today?" he asks. He starts a conversation with the girls who seemed to be in the Battle of the Bands. Claire was going on about how they felt until Darcy stopped her from saying anything else and asked about the duck feet.

Blake covered Spenser's ears so he didn't hear about the poor ducks.

Toby picks himself up and glares at Jim, "Jim! Stop him before he charms Darci too!" Toby says. Blake scoffs softly. Jim immediately takes the menus away from everyone and asked for steaks.

"The Steak Night special please and thank you," Blake corrected Jim.

"Sure, and how would you like your steak prepared?" He questions.

"Well done," Jim snarled slightly.

"Well done?" the waiter repeated as a question.

"Yeah, what he's having," Toby says.

Claire suddenly growls and asked for the steak to be raw - dripping with blood. Everyone around the table was surprised by Claire's sudden action. The waiter writes it down and heads back into the cafe. Claire was feeling terrified and needed to tell someone immediately.

"Uh, Darc, Blake, bathroom?" Claire suggested nervously. She really needed to talk about what just happened. Blake and Darc got up from their chairs before they went into the cafe, Toby was whimpering in pain. Blake looked behind her quickly. He was holding onto his family jewels.

"The other rule three..." Toby stated. Blake snickered slightly. 'Amateurs...' Blake thought.

"TP! Are you okay? What happened?" Darci came to Toby's side and looked up at Claire, "Claire, Blake, go on without me," Blake and Claire went to the bathroom to talk.

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