60 - Temptations: Part 2

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Jim and Toby have gone into the Shadow Realm to find Claire's lost spirit while Mr. Strickler kept the portal open while Blinky and Blake kept watching on Morgana.

A few minutes pass, longer than the others in the normal realm have expected, they thought it was going to be an easy ghost hunt. They were very wrong, "why haven't they returned? You've sent those hoys to their doom," Blinky blames Mr. Strickler.

Mr. Strickler was still holding the portal for them, "the Realm of Shadows does not operate by our rules!" Mr. Strickler grunts, "give them time! Have faith in them," Mr. Strickler reassures Blinky.

"I do have faith... in them," Blinky hisses.

Morgana laughed, the more Morgana spoke, the more Blake's left eye kept glowing even more than ever. Blake's negative emotions were going even more for Morgana. Hatred. Disgust. Despise. Anger. Murderous Intent. Each negative emotion is being fed to the flame in her right eye. Morgana noticed her and smirked but she turned to Blinky first and started to taunt him about his pupil to go to another person for guidance. She was talking about Jim. Blinky shut her taunting voice out, but she continued to speak.

Blinky grunts and heads out Claire's room to find a gag for her, leaving Blake and Mr. Strickler alone with Morgana.

Morgana found the opportunity to taunt Mr. Strickler, "oh, the poor souls stand in the presence of their Lady Creator, but insist on siding with babes," Morgana's began to glow, "you expect two feeble children to be your saviour when a deity is before you!?" Morgana floated up into the air. Blake struggles to bring her back down while Mr. Strickler struggled to shut her voice out.

Within a blink of an eye, Morgana was gone and Blake summoned her sword to prepare for an attack, "I know your heart, Stricklander. You desire power. Changelings aren't equals, they are better!" Morgana stated.

"I've heard all of this before!" Mr. Strickler yells, clenching his eyes closed.

"But I can offer something more," Blake and Mr. Strickler gasp. They recognize that voice. It was Barbara's voice. Morgana shapeshifter herself to be Barbara, knowing that Stricklander loves her. He growls and states the fact that the real Barbara doesn't love him anymore, but she offered something that he cannot deny. Making her fall in love with him no problem. Blake gritted her teeth.

Blinky comes barging into the room, "No, Strickler, don't listen to her!" Blinky commands. Morgana whips her head toward the door and made Blinky go flying out of the door. Blake went flying as well but didn't go outside like Blinky. The objects of Claire's room go flying toward the door to seal Blinky out. Mr. Strickler noticed the portal slowly closing but recovered her negative energy for the Shadow portal.

Morgana grunts and looks at Blake, "oh, what a weak human being is not fit for being for the Midnight Trollhunter. You'll never change the ways of the Midnight Amulet of the GummGumm's," Morgana spat. Blake grits her teeth. Her whole body began to glow and both of her eyes were now black and purple and flames were sparking, "I have told you, you'll never change the ways of the Midnight Amulet! You only grow with murderous intent and anger, that's what the amulet was made for!"

"I am not going to listen to such lies! I WILL change the ways of the Amulet, more than my sister and the ones before her!" Blake holds the weapon up, but Mr. Strickler cried out to her. Blake growls.

"I know how much you want to kill her but please, do not do this! If you do this, you won't be able to change the ways of the amulet like you want to!" Mr. Strickler exclaims.

Blake gasps and calms down, but she fell unconscious. She used way too much energy. Her armour comes off and the amulet rolls off of her chest onto the floor.

Things started to get more havoc in Claire's room. Morgana was able to get into Mr. Strickler's head and make him let go of the staff and send it flying into the Shadow Realm. Morgana laughed and started to glow again, gaining almost full control of Claire's body to use as a vessel. Mr. Strickler wanted to stop her using a dagger that uses the Creepers Sun. Blinky tried to stop him from harming Claire. He had faith in Jim and Toby and Claire.

More time passes by, Morgana started to fight Claire's strength in the Shadow Realm with the Shadow Staff. Her whole body was more bright than before as she was growling, "get out of my head child!" She screams as she started to become distorted, "you dare to wield a weapon of my power!? My Skathe-Hrün will be your end!" Morgana laughs. Her laughing turned into screaming. Claire surpassed Morgana's strength and claimed the Shadow Staff as hers.

Everything in the room falls into place. For a few moments of silence, Jim and Toby were back and Claire began to whimper in pain. She started to scream to see herself at knife-point, "were you going to stab me with that thing!?" Claire questioned.

"Yes/No!" Blinky and Mr. Strickler answers. Blinky glared at Strickler but corrected him by cutting the chains off of Claire.

Jim goes walking toward Claire, "Claire, that was--"

Toby was amazed that Claire out-witched a witch. Claire started to let her comrades know that she saw something while Morgana was using her body and mind. Claire learned a new trick of her Shadow Staff.

They looked out into the night, knowing that won't be the last time they'll see her.

"Master Jim, it's Master Blake!" Blinky kneels beside Blake's unconscious body.

"Blake!" Jim ran to her side and placed her head on his lap, "what happened?"

"She was burning up in flames, her whole body was," Mr. Strickler answered for Blinky.

"'Burning up'?" Jim questioned as he looked at Blake's face. The sides of her face, veins of dark purple were growing.

"There wasn't much information about the Midnight Amulet, but there was one particular part that I remember: when the owner of the amulet produces enough negative energy, their whole body will be in flames and both of her eyes. It's the most dangerous, the second user of the Midnight Amulet, died trying to summon it willingly. But, I am hoping it won't happen to Blake," Mr. Strickler hopes, he pauses and sighs, "I'll take her home. I know where she is and I'll explain it to her parents," Mr. Strickler says. He picks up Blake's body and carried her to his car to bring her home.

~ ~ ~

Blake groans and wakes up screaming, "Morgana!" She jolts up from her unconsciousness and groaned. She lifts up her shirt and saw new bruises forming on her stomach.

A voice clears their throat, Blake looks up and saw her family. Her mother was staring her down, Sky was just plain nervous and Ash was trying to hold her tears back, the mother speaks, "Blake Lynn Ryder! You have some explaining to do!" She exclaimed.

Blake nervously smiled, "what do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Young lady, you don't think I've been noticing; the bruises, bandages, the cuts and scars, your attendance at school, and being gone for an entire night or more!"

Blake tended up. Not knowing what to do or what to say, but she gave up, "mother, I think--"

"Don't 'I think' me! I've been worried sick for and your health. Ever since you've met that boy, Jim Lake, you've been getting into a lot of trouble..."

"Mom..." Sky whispered.

"You should stop hanging around that boy, he only causes trouble since I did hear that he went to the police station and you went to the hospital--!"

"Mom!" Sky stops her mother from venting any longer, "let her explain and you may want to sit down. I have a feeling it's going to be a long explanation - well, more like the story,"

"What do you mean?"

Sky looks at Blake and nods. Blake brings out her amulet and summons her armour like always. Their mother didn't know how to react, she was gasping.

"I'm the Midnight Trollhunter. This amulet used to be for the evil trolls but now I am changing their ways. It all began with a trip around the world..."

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