64 - The Final Daylight

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[ I went all out with this one and it's over 3500+ words. Please rest when reading, my eyes nearly went cross-eyed when I was editing it ]

It's been a long day. They were planning on how they are going to fight Morgana, Angor Rot, and Gunmar with many GummGumm's attacking the city. They just had a few hours left before the Eternal Night came to be but the Battle of the Bands was also coming as well.

Blinky was going to plan it all out but Merlin was grumbling like the old man he was. It was all a waste of time for Merlin but Blinky thought otherwise. They started to quarrel with each other around the table about to plan for the war or fight head-on without a plan. Blake was standing there, watching them and stomps her foot on the floor, gaining everyone's attention, "Gunmar and Angor Rot are mine!" Blake and Jim exclaim in unison, "we've done it before, Jim and I fought Bular together, we can do it again," Blake adds.

"Yes, we did," Jim nods, he walks toward the group, "first, we have to do what we can to clear Arcadia Square so no one gets hurt!" Jim declares.

"Actually, there is no 'we'. I am afraid in your current form, the sunlight will burn you as any of us," Blinky says. Jim pouts.

"Maybe Merlin can whip up some SPF one million," Toby suggests nervously.

"We'll go with the children and put a stop to this Battle of the Bands," Nomura jumps in. Then it was settled, Merlin and Arrrgh will go into Trollmarket to put a stop to Morgana. Toby, Claire, and Blake will try and stop the Battle of the Bands with the help of Nomura and Mr. Strickler. Toby suddenly jumps and was yelling until it got awkward. He thought everyone was going to do that.

Blake sighs and goes into the kitchen to find Merling making something for NotEnrique, "hey, NotEnrique, been a while since I saw you," Blake greeted.

"Hey there, Midnight, ready for the battle?" he questions.

"Not quite, there is something I am concerned about," Blake answers.

"I do too, the Darklands, will it be destroyed because of all of the tremors?" Jim questioned. Merlin nodded and grabs the pan. Merlin wondered why he was concerned about the changeling's familiars, "I promised I'd go back for them and save them," Merlin thought he had changed his heart but he wasn't all that bad. Merlin pulls the pan out and it revealed a glowing orange crystal.

He gives it to NotEnrique, at first, he thought it was food but it was a Cradle Stone, "he's able to transfer safely in and out of the Darklands with familiars,"

"Are you able to go in safely by yourself?" Blake questioned.

NotEnrique hums and smiles, "I know a guy who can give a small hand," he chuckles to himself. It was Chompsky he was referring to.

In Jim's room, Claire and Toby were preparing themselves by putting on their armour. Jim was amazed to see them in their new armor for the war.

Toby's stomach started to growl, "dangit! Can you hold this for a second, I have to go pee!" Toby runs for the door but his armor was too big but he was able to get through.

"3... 2... 1," Blake whispered.

"Dang it!" Toby exclaimed as the others can hear the urine hitting metal. Claire and Jim scoff.

"And! Ladies and Troll, this is why you should always go to the bathroom before putting on your armor," Blake announced.

Claire, Toby, Blake, Mr. Strickler and Nomura were all at the battle of the band's in the fighting armor. Claire tried to tell them to run and to go somewhere but Mary and Darcy started to play and go along with. It didn't work for a while a large tornado with fire and brown smoke went into the sky and started to spread.

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