37 - Toby Baba

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[ I changed it to Baba instead of Gaga and the name of her songs because it was funny to me :P ]

With death on Blake's mind and the day where they nearly died from drowning, it was always haunting her mind whenever she touched the water in her daily routine to get up every morning. It was bringing up the news about her soon-to-be-dead news to the rest of the Trollhunters.

Blake sighed deeply. Mary suddenly jumped beside Blake while screaming, "Blake, you wouldn't believe what I had seen!" Mary's screeching voice made Blake's ears started to ring and it continued.

"You know 'tight jeans' Hank? Well, he was with--" Mary cut herself off when she saw Blake covering her ears and grunting, "Blake, you okay?"

Blake couldn't hear her at all, it was just ringing in her ear, "I need to go," Blake pushed Mary out of the way and walked towards her locker feeling dizzy and lightheaded. It wasn't too bad to make her faint in front of the other teenagers in the school.

She made it to her locker and opened it to get her stuff. The things she feels has calmed down, she smiled in relief.

"It looks like a car accident!" Mary cries. Blake raised a brow and looked to her left and saw Toby wearing something large on his face.

Blake looked up and saw Claire walking toward him with an awkward smile, "you can hardly notice it," she tried to cheer up Toby.

Toby looked at Claire with that thing on his face, "Claire, I look like someone who tried to build a cyborg and gave up,"

"That's one way to explain it," Blake cuts in, "to me, you look like Lady Baba,"

"'Lady Baba'?" They both questioned.

Blake looked at both of them. She brought out her phone and showed them the songs from Lady Baba, "she is an artist, she made songs such as 'Bad Love', 'Cellphone', 'Romance Game', 'Blank Face', 'Just Move', so on and so forth," and she showed a photo she found recently of Lady Baba's walkway fashion, "and I can't tell the difference between you and Lady Baba, pretty much looks the same," Blake joked.

"Haha, so you're so funny," Toby stated sarcastically.

Blake bows, "thank you and I know, don't applaud me," Blake joked once more. They both smiled at her.

Blake went to her class and sat down. She was writing her test that she was studying for right before the day when she fainted and before the symptoms. She finished within 30 minutes of writing the test and was excused for the rest of the class. Her teacher was amazing, only to her hard-working students. The slackers weren't as lucky as the hard-working students.

Only 15 minutes of free time had passed and Blake was bored. Until she saw Toby walking, she snickered once she saw the cage he was wearing around his head.

"Hey," Blake greeted. Toby looked at her with a concerned expression. She immediately knew it was something that Toby was bothered with, "something is bothering you. Even though I barely know, I know enough that you are bothered by something by the look in your eyes,"

"Uh, yeah, apparently this monstrosity around my head can make music," Toby whispers loudly.

Blake blinked a few times, "uh, I think you mean frequencies from radio stations," Toby nodded. Blake placed her ear against Toby's cage head and can hear music coming from it, she gasped, "that is amazing! Most of the teachers don't let us play music during class and you're so lucky to listen to music!" Blake praised as she playfully punched Toby on his arm.

He chuckled nervously, "yeah, but I end up singing out loud when it's my jam!" Toby cried.

"That's why you gotta keep your love for your favourite music at a certain level,"

Toby nodded and noticed a drink in her hand, "what drink is that? I never saw a drink like that in any store in Arcadia,"

"'Peace Tea'? Oh, yeah. It's only found in certain stores, this is like - you know what I don't know how long it's been in the fridge, it's been in there for a while ever since I got here,"

"Hmm--" Toby was suddenly pushed against the locker by Steve Palchuk. Blake blinked and just watched them as she was sipping her Peace Tea with a blank expression.

On the other hand, Toby was gasping as his headgear was getting louder and Steve's statements about last night were getting muffled by the loud music that was transmitting from Toby's headgear. Blake can slightly hear it, it was a classical orchestra and then went to rock when Steve pushed him against the locker.

Toby put his hands over his head, "I can't hear you, stop! Ah!" Toby shouts over the music he was listening to.

Steve was freaked out and angered by this and pushed him on the lockers once more, "freak!" Steve called out as he walked away.

"Soft Jazz! Thank you!" Toby sighs as he sat down.

Blake was still standing there with a blank expression until she got pulled to the side. Toby called Claire on his phone and while Claire was on her way. Blake was suddenly pulled to the side from the hallway, she yelped and noticed it was Spenser.

Spenser stole a kiss from her and Blake received it, "that test was hard, why did you leave me alone while I get my brain cells killed?" he whined while joking.

"Sorry, but you know Ms. Pacheko's rules after finishing it - and apparently she considers you as a slacker. You're always on your phone during class while sending cute texts to me," Blake gives a glare while giving a small smile.

"I know you like them~"

"Hmm.. yeah, I do," she wraps her arms around Spenser's shoulders. She placed her forehead on his chest and stayed there for a while until she heard a loud sound of impact coming from her right. It was Toby getting smacked in the face, "Spenser, I'll meet you tonight for our date," Blake promises as she kissed his cheek and walked toward Toby and Claire.

Spenser kept his eye on Blake. He hummed out of curiosity, "Blake, are you hiding something?" he questioned quietly.

The day was nearly over but the Trollhunters were doing their investigation for the Janus Order and the antidote for Arrrgh. Claire and Blake were pulling Toby into the right position to find the secret transmission of the Janus Order.

"Anything Blinky?" Blake questioned, Blinky gestured a halting sign. He can hear the Janus Order's transmissions and repeated them.

"35, 11, Janus Initiative," Blinky gasps, "Tobias, I believe your headgear has picked up the secret transmissions of the Janus Order,"

"Awesome-sauce!" Toby exclaimed.

"Where two faces meet," Blinky repeated. Claire and Blinky were thinking about what that meant. Blake rolled her eyes. Toby knew exactly what it meant about the numbers they were given but Claire and Blinky were too distracted to find out what the numbers meant while Toby knew.

"Oh, for Pete's sake, it's coordinates that lead to someplace here in Arcadia!" Toby burst in anger.

"Ok, so let's go to the place where it's located," Claire exclaimed.

Blake chuckled nervously, "I am sorry, I have a date," Blake announced.

Claire looked at Blake with a smug, "a date? Since when? Do I know him? You gotta tell me the details!" Claire was excited for Blake.

"Oh god, you sound like my older sister,"

"Ha! Anyways, it's okay, we got this. Go have fun," Blake smiled and went to get ready for her date night with Spenser.

She got home and grabbed the things she needed. The things that girls usually bring; cellphone, lip balm, earphones, and such. But she brought her amulet and a small gift for Spenser. Her amulet is always needed, who knows when anything such as Gummgumms will attack her during her date.

Blake wore a dark red Babydoll dress that was mid-thigh length, still wore her black leggings, light denim jean jacket and wore her black flats. And she was off to her dinner date.

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