31 - Midnight and Changeling

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Blake could tell that Arrrgh was with Toby talking and laughing with each other, "Blake! Can you take out the garbage?" her mother requested.

"Yep!" Blake placed down her sketching pencil and went to grab all of the garbages from her sibling's room and all the way downstairs to the cafe. She had to carry two bags but it was nothing for her to handle. She exits the cafe and went into the back alley and threw the bags into the dumpster.

Blake's ear twitch slightly and can hear footsteps from behind her, "Bla--"

Before they called out for her name, her armor was already on without saying the incantation. She brings out her sword and places it near their neck.

"How do you know--?" Blake gasps, it was Mr. Strickler, "Strickler?!"

"Please, help me," He pleas.

"Why should I help you? Your a changeling, ever since I transferred here I trusted you and I was going to choose you as my favorite teacher and from the moment you changed titles at school, Jim told me about your secret!" Blake exclaimed as her left eye began to glow with a purple flame.

"I know why you're mad and you have every right to be, but Jim's mother is in danger,"

This intrigued Blake, "how do you know?"

"Angor Rot made a binding spell and I used it between me and Jim's mother,"

Blake gasped, she knew that she couldn't trust a changeling, but if it was Jim's mother who was in trouble, she had no choice, "okay, I am only accepting this for Jim's mother sake, not you," Blake states angrily, Strickler nods, "now, let's go to his house and you can tell him that his mother is in danger," she says as she threatens him to move with her dark sword.

They walked all the way to Jim's house and saw him taking out the trash, "Jim!"

"Blake--?" he gasped and saw Mr. Strickler, "what is--"

"Before you ask anything, I think you should hear from Mr. Strickler," Blake pushes Mr. Strickler and he looked at Jim.

"Please, help, your mother is in danger and you have to protect me to protect her," Mr. Strickler pleas.

Jim would do anything for his mother but not for Mr. Strickler. He nods and he started to lead him into his house while at sword-point. Jim tied him to a chair. Without any question, Mr. Strickler somehow and able to fall asleep while tied up to a chair.

Jim and Blake summon their armor and kept an eye for Angor Rot.

The night was beginning and it was going to be a long night. Blake just kept sneaking glances at her once known teacher and principal. She didn't know that her favorited teacher and principal was a changeling.

"How long did you know that he was a changeling?" Blake questions softly, "I have only known for a week or two,"

Jim sighs, "I have known ever since Bular called me by 'Young Atlas' and I suspected him ever since and one day he came to my house for dinner and he revealed his true self to me, I was shocked myself just like you,"

"I forgot about Bular, that fight was awesome, the best one I've ever been in,"

"You've been in other fights?"

"Oh, yeah, I fought so many times, I guess you could say I was a badass in a gang,"

"What kind of gang?"

"A bad one. They killed people for money now, I left after they killed one person. They gave me money. After that, I moved away. I couldn't stay in that group anymore. I'm a changed person," Blake says as she looks at her Sword of Midnight and looked at her dark reflection with a sad expression.

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