29 - Multiple Tasks, One Blink

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Jim went back to the place where he wished he didn't want to go: Gatto. This time he went without his amulet, which meant he was unguarded.

"The Trollhunter. You have returned and without your amulet," Gatto pointed out.

"I need the Kairosect,"

Gatto laughs about his request, "Dangerous magic. After what your friends did to me, why should I let you live?"

"Cause this time, I have a riddle for you," Gatto was intrigued by this, except he knew all of the riddles in the whole entire world. Not one can stumble him up in the brains - rock brains. Jim, however, had something in his mind that he could bet his life on it.

"What do call cheese that isn't yours?" Jim riddles.

Gatto hums as he thinks about for a second, "I've got it! 'Nacho' cheese!"

Jim smirks, "and it's 'nacho' day, either! Now!" Jim shouts, he sighs and repeats himself once more. And then a shadow portal forms out of thin air and his team of Trollhunters comes out with their weapons. Gatto immediately reacts to it as a trick.

Blinky brings out Jim's amulet and incants the incantation. Blake was already in her armor. Toby with his new weapon called the "War Hammer" placed it between Gatto's mouth to hold it open. Everyone immediately jumps in and the volcanic troll's followed them to stop them from getting the Kairosect. Jim and Blake stood where Gatto's esophagus was and was trying to fight the trolls back to save them time to find the Kairosect.

While the others try and find it, Toby has found the Kairosect. He announced it that he had the item and quickly handed it to Blinky as he started to search for something deadly.

"Hey, over here!" Toby had brought out a large burrito, the trolls looked and gasped, "that's right, boys. Your big boss didn't like those tacos last time? Well, this is worse. The Mega Trinidad Scorpion Burrito with spicy sour cream and pastrami. If I were you, I might want to skedaddle," Toby grins evilly. The trolls did what they were warned and tried to run away.

Toby chucks the whole burrito into Gatto's stomach lava acid and it started to bubble. On the outside, Gatto felt it, "not again!" He cries.

Everyone came out of the alternative route that Blinky, Toby, and Blake went the last time. They all ran toward the Gyre, "curse you, Trollhunter!" Gatto howls as he felt his rock stomach ache.

The Trollhunters team looked at the Kairosect. They were fascinated - mostly Blinky. Jim questioned about how it was going to take the ring off of Strickler's finger. Blinky took a better inspection of the Kairosect.

Without thinking, he pressed the button. Blinky was gone within a blink of the eye. No pun intended. He ended up going up on the highest shelves.

"How did you get up there?" Toby questions.

"The Kairosect enables its bearer to step outside of time, affording the opportunity to do this," Blinky laughs.

"So!" Blake starts loudly, "it's a teleporting device or some ancient magic to stop time for who knows how long, I've seen that in a show once, it ain't interesting. So, tell me if anything happens. I'm going," Blake says as she exits Blinky's library.

Everyone let her leave with a smile and wave, knowing that they'll see her at school tomorrow. Blinky presses the button on the Kairosect and everyone was placed differently. Jim was in a weird position. Arrrgh was carrying stacks of books in her hands and head. Claire was lifting Toby with her legs. And Blake was back in the room and she had a stack of five on her head and was standing on one leg.

"What just happened?" Jim questions.

"I feel so violated!" Toby states as he falls to the floor. Everyone was excited about the abilities of what the Kairosect can do. Jim, Claire, and Toby were listing out the things they wanted to do until Claire reminded Jim about Uhl's Spanish test. Blake remembers it as well, she groans.

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