A Date? (Chapter 2, Part 1)

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The following morning, Friday. You made coffee and sung cheerfully to yourself. While changing into your outfit you thought about how excited you are to talk to Rick again, how you can't wait for that date.

You drove yourself to school, got out and locked the car. On your short walk to the entrance, many students and teachers greeted you, some even complimenting your outfit and beautiful smile. Unlocking your classroom door you stepped inside and got your notes and papers ready.

About 10 minutes later Morty came in. "Good morning Miss."

"Good morning." You said and looked at the door, but no Rick in sight. Your heart sank a little. 'That's okay, he'll call me.' You hoped.


At the end of the class Morty got up and met with his sister in the hallway.

"Morty, do you really think grandpa has a crush on her?" Summer whispered, not wanting you to hear her as you walked by.

"That's not what's worrying me. I think Miss Y/LN might have a crush on him."

"How do you know that?"

"When they talked yesterday she was just seemed happier than usual... And today when I came in she looked at the door and her smile went away, like she expected Rick to be with me."



Rick portaled back to the garage and sat down. He couldn't stop thinking about whether or not he should call you, even though he really wanted to. Maybe that date isn't such a good idea?

A knock at the door was heard and Beth slowly came inside, snapping Rick out of his thoughts.

"What?" he said roughly.

"I would just like to talk to you." She walked over to him.

"If it has to do with Y/N, I don't want to hear it."

"Just hear me out!" she said and Rick sighed loudly, "I think it's great that you like her so much. Maybe it would work between you two."

"It wouldn't."

"I want you to be happy and if she can do that than I say go for it."

"I just can't, I-"

"You'll regret it if you lose her." She continued, "Don't pass on an opportunity to be happy."

"They all leave me eventually... You heard it from Morty, I can't change, no one wants to stay with me..." he whispered. "There's no point in fighting for something that will leave you sooner or later. There are no happy endings, this isn't a fucking Disney movie."

Beth stood there for a few moments before she thought of something, "When is the date?"

"I don't know, I didn't call her."

"Do it now." She demanded.

"What? No."

She grabbed his phone from his desk and started looking through his contacts. Rick stood up and tried to take it back, unsuccessfully. "Give it back you crazy bitch!" he yelled, but she just kept going until she found your name.

It was too late and the phone started ringing. A faint "Hello?" could be heard from the phone. Rick froze in place with wide eyes, panicking slightly. Beth gave him the phone, but he didn't say anything. "Hello? Who is this?" you said once again.

Rick finally got his shit together, "Hey Y/N, it's me Rick.... How about that date tomorrow? .... At 7? .... I don't know, where would you like to meet? .... Oh, I love that place..... Okay, see you then, bye." He hung up. "I hate you." He said to Beth.

"You're welcome!" she said cheerfully and left the garage.

Rick sat back in his chair and sighed with a smile on his face. Maybe it could work after all... maybe.

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