The Final Class (Chapter 7, Part 2)

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The ringing of the bell echoed through the whole building. The last few students made their way into your classroom and sat in their seats.

"Alright everyone I graded your tests and I can proudly say that all of you did a fantastic job!" you spoke and the students were visibly happy, "All the grades are looking good and all I can say is: enjoy the summer break!"

"Miss?" a student raised their hand, "Is it true that you're not coming back next year?"

"That is true. I'm retiring." Everyone's faces fell when you told them, "Oh, don't be sad! You'll get a new teacher, she's even better than me so you don't have to worry."

The door of the classroom suddenly flew open and the principal busted in, "Miss YL/N! There's been an accident in the gym! We need your help! Quickly!"

You ran with him towards the school gym like a bullet. Thoughts about what could've possibly happened to be that urgent rushed through your mind. The principal opened the door and you came in after him, the whole room was pitch black.

"What happened here? Where is everyone?" you spoke after you lost the principal, you couldn't see him or anything else in the darkness.

Within a second the lights turned back on and you could see the gym was filled with students and teachers all looking at you with wide grins, "SURPRISE!!" they shouted in unison.

"No way! For me?" you smiled. Then you saw a giant banner that wrote 'Thank you Miss Y/LN.'

"Of course!" The principal walked over to you, wearing a colorful party hat, "You had been the most loyal and hardworking teacher I've ever hired. This is the least I can do."

"Thank you," you said, "it has been an honor to work with you for all these years."

He then left to get on a make-shift stage with a microphone, "I would like to say a few words about Miss Y/LN, who's final class was today. She has been an amazing teacher, coworker and friend..." he wiped away a tear on his cheek while you blushed in slight embarrassment, "I would just like to say: Thank you, YL/N. I hope you have a good and happy life."

Everyone cheered with happiness, you even received heartwarming gifts from your colleagues and students. The school band started playing so the students started dancing and singing around the stage. A smile formed on your face when you saw Morty finally gather up the courage to go approach Jessica and ask her to dance. You went over to chat with your coworkers for a few hours before deciding to go home. 


As you were about to put the key in the keyhole of your house the door flew open, "What's the password?" Rick smiled.

"We never agreed on a password." you raised an eyebrow.

"You should still know it!"

"Um..." you thought, "Bagels?"

"Jesus Chr- bagels? No."

"Two bagels!" you exclaimed.

"It's not food!"

You rolled your eyes, "Let me in Space man, I don't have time for your bullshit!" you stormed inside and put the bags of gifts on the table. "We need to start planning the party!" you exclaimed.

"Who are we inviting?" he asked while curiously looking through the bags.

"Well... friends and family."

"Jerry too?" he met your gaze.

You sighed, "Yes, Jerry too. We can't leave him out, that's not nice."

"Oh, for fuck's sake..." He muttered under his breath.

"Rick, don't be mean." You rested your hands on his shoulders.

He wrapped his arms around you, "I know it's hard to tell, but I really am trying to be nice."

"You're doing great, Honey." You smiled, "Also, what was the password?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, but what's the pass- oh, that's the password. Yeah, I should have known." You laughed.

Then you went on to call your friends, your son and the Smiths. Luckily, everyone was free to come over the following weekend.


The week went by, you planned the party and set everything up. Saturday rolled around pretty quickly and the guests were starting to arrive.

"They're here!" you beamed when the door bell rang and ran over to open it, "Hello! Come in."

The Smiths walked in first, "Wow, your house is lovely!" Beth spoke.

"Thank you!" you said.

A few moments later a large, dark-gray car pulled over and two guys came out, "Hey Mom. I missed you!" your son Jake walked up to the front door and pulled you into a hug.

"Hey Sweetie, come in." You smiled and then also hugged Daniel, "How are you two?"

"We're great, we're actually in the middle of adopting a twin brother and sister." Jake said.

You placed your hand over your heart, "I'm so happy to hear that! You're gonna be great parents." A familiar tall scientist walked over, "Rick, this is my son Jake and his husband Daniel. Guys, this is Rick, my boyfriend."

"It's an honor to finally meet you, Mr. Sanchez." Jake spoke as they shook hands.

"You too. Also, you can call me Rick."

"Everyone is in the living room, you can make yourselves comfortable." You offered, "Rick and I will join you shortly."

A minute later the doorbell rang again and it was a bunch of your friends and your good coworkers . They all met Rick and Angela was the last one.

"So, you're the boyfriend?" she asked.

"Guilty as charged." He joked.

"That's great." She smiled, "If you ever hurt her I will break your kneecaps."

"Noted." Rick nodded in understandably.

"Angie!" you yelled, "Wh- how can you say that?"

"I'm joking! Obviously." She left and joined the people in the living room.

You turned to Rick, "I am so sorry, I have no idea what came over her."

"Babe, it's fine. Don't worry." He cupped your face, "Enjoy the party."

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