It's Better This Way (Chapter 8, Part 2)

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After eating breakfast, the two of you got ready to go to a water park with the Smith's. You put on your bikini and your favorite sundress. After locking the front door, you took a short walk to the Smith's house to meet up with Rick's family. He opened a portal and everyone walked in, finding themselves in one of the most beautiful water parks there is.

Morty and Summer immediately ran to the giant colorful water slides while the four of you found a place to leave your things. "This place is amazing!" Beth said cheerfully, "What do you guys wanna do first?"

"Oh I've heard they have amazing coffee, so I'll get one of those." You said, "Does anyone want anything?"

With Beth also requesting a coffee, Rick and you went to get the drinks at a nearby café. You noticed him glancing at one of the tables every so often.

"What's wrong, Honey?" you asked quietly.

"Goldenfold is here... I don't like the way he's looking at you."

"He's just like that, I guess, but you don't have to worry about it." You kissed his cheek, "I'm only yours."

A few seconds later, Summer stormed into the café, "Grandpa, Dad got stuck in one of the slides."

"Oh Jesus Christ, again? Fine, I'll help that idiot." Rick was visibly annoyed while you just giggled to yourself. "I love you, Babe." He kissed the top of your head, gave one last glance at the ex-math teacher staring at you and left with his granddaughter.

When your drinks were done, you picked them up and headed for the exit only to be startled by Goldenfold standing right behind you. "Hello there, Miss Y/LN." He smiled. You noticed he was wearing something unusual. It looked like a mix of sci-fi robot suit and medieval armor. You thought he was just trying to be cool or he was doing a roleplay. Whatever it was, you ignored it and tried to be polite.

"Uhh... hello. Mr. Goldenfold. Haven't seen you in a while, how are you doing?"

"I'm great. It's just been lonely the past couple of months and I was in search for some company."

"Ok, well, that's great. I hope you find the company you're looking for... I should get going now. It was nice talking to you." You tried to walk past him, but his hand stopped you.

"Where are you going so quickly?"

"My boyfriend is waiting for me." You took a step back.

"Oh, he's your boyfriend now."

"Listen, I don't know what you're trying to do here, but if you don't stop- "

"Then what? Your boyfriend will save you?" He mocked.

Goldenfold was waiting for your reply when Rick stepped in front of him with a death stare. You smiled slightly when you saw him shiver with fear.

"Wh-what are doing with my girlfriend, buddy?" Rick growled, "Also, what the fuck are you wearing? You look like a sad power ranger reject."

"Uh, see, we- were just- " Goldenfold trembled.

"Just talking huh? Well, it didn't look like that to me." he turned to you, "Babe, was this guy causing you problems?" you just nodded. While Rick was turned to you, Goldenfold bolted through the door and ran for his life. "Mother fucker, if I see that piece of shit ever again, I swear I'll- "

"Rick." You stopped him.

"I'll just talk to him!" he said sarcastically.


Rick and you reunited with the rest of the family and had an amazing time at the water park. You took off your sundress and stepped in front of the pool. Rick came from behind you, picked you up bridal style and kissed you sweetly.

"What are you doing?" you whispered into the kiss.

"Nothing, I just love you."

"I love you t- " you were cut off by a mischievous grin forming on Rick's face. Without a second to react you were forcefully thrown into the pool with a loud splash. "YOU ASSHOLE!" you yelled after swimming to the surface and catching your breath. Rick was just laughing hysterically. "Oh you think that's funny, well how do you like this!" You splashed him with water multiple times.

"Jesus, that's cold!" He jumped away from the pool, but was still laughing.

The rest of the day was great, when the sun started setting you picked up your things and portaled to the Smith's house to watch a movie together. After commenting on how bad the rom-com was that Jerry picked, Rick and you made your way back to your house. You brushed your teeth and went to bed with him joining you shortly afterwards.

"Good night, Babe. I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." You kissed him.

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