Plan B: Secret Assassin (Chapter 14, Part 2)

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"Those guards over there don't look too happy today." Bardan noticed as he looked across the canteen. 

Karra sighed, "No one's ever happy here, you moron."

"I mean, they look kinda pissed and they're looking in this direction. Oh shit, they're coming!"

Rick didn't bother to look at the gromfomites who stood behind him and took a sip of his drink, "What's up, fellas?" 

 "We think th-" one of them began to speak, but Rick interrupted.

"You did some thinking? Huh, that's a first... and probably a last." Rick laughed. A guard pointed a gun at his head, but he didn't even flinch, "Yeah, shoot me. See what good that'll do."

"Listen here, Sanchez. We're done fucking around." He pulled Rick out of his seat and held him in a choke hold, "We know you've hacked the ship." Bardan and Karra just watched in shock, knowing they would be killed if they were to intervene. 

Rick stayed calm, "How did you know?"

"We know you would do anything you can to destroy us."

"You got that right." Suddenly, the gromflomite screamed in pain. Rick was freed from his grasp and turned to look at the, now dead, guard on the floor, his suit was full of electricity sparks, that seemed to have fried him to death. 

"THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" The other guard screamed. All the prisoners, who were calmly eating their meals up until that point, were now staring in amazement and slight fear at the events unfolding in front of them.

Rick had a smirk on his face, knowing you had everything to do with it. In that moment, laser guns appeared from the wall and shot all the other gromflomites in the room. After that, a deafening alarm sounded throughout the entire prison, accompanied with blood-red lights, "Nice work, Babe." Rick spoke while grabbing the guns off of dead guards, "Very discreet."

"What the hell just happened?" Bardan stood frozen in shock, "And who's Babe?"

"Nobody." Rick was embarrassed slightly, realizing what he said out loud. 

Squanchy showed up quickly after that, "Rick, you won't squanch this! All of our cells opened up by themselves!"

Rick handed him a gun, "Listen, Squanchy, I'm gonna need you to take everyone to the Spaceship Port, alright? I'll be there in a few."


The metal gates opened up and all the prisoners headed towards the Port. Rick got in the elevator by himself and onto level 8. Gromflomite guards pointed their guns at him when the elevator opened, but in a second they were shot dead by laser guns on the wall. A large shiny door caught Rick's attention, it had the words 'The General' written above them. He turned off the gun's safety switch just before the door in front of him opened. 

The General was seated at his desk desperately calling for help, he jumped in fear when he saw who entered the room, "Wh- how did you get in here?!" He clumsily took out his gun from a drawer, "Only I have access to this room!"

"Oh, very easily. There's this little thing, some might call it a New Program." Rick smiled smugly.

The General seemed awfully confused, "But that can't be... it was destroyed."

"Nope, she's too smart for that. She escaped and now she's controlling the entire prison." Rick walked closer to his desk, not bothered by the gun pointed at him, "I know exactly what happened, you fucked up. You made her too damn smart, smarter than yourself in fact. That was your mistake. And now she's giving you what you fucking deserve."

The insect got ready to pull the trigger, but you were faster. His lifeless body dropped to the floor. Rick turned around and went back to meet the other prisoners.


Rick told Squanchy to guard the door and make sure no gromflomites get in. The prisoners entered the ships that were docked there and Rick quickly showed how to operate and fly them.

"All of this seems a little too good to be true." One of the alien prisoners spoke, refusing to enter the ship, "Are we sure this guy is actually going to save us and he isn't just fucking with us? How can we be sure we're actually free?!"

The prisoners were starting to doubt Rick's plan were slowly leaving the ship. "You can stay here, by all means, if you don't believe I'm saving your dumb ass." Rick grew frustrated, but still tried to convince them to leave, "I'm just saying that you have a much higher chance of survival if you leave now, than if you were to stay on this 'soon to be blown to bits' prison, in which you have absolutely zero chance of survival." Thankfully, most of them got back into the ship.

The stubborn alien was still uncertain, "How do you know it's gonna be blown to bits?"

"I've got a hunch." Rick pushed him inside and closed the door.

"But what will you do?" Bardan stood at the doors of the other ship.

"I got a few things I need to take care of. You'll be fine, go." Rick watched for a few moments as the giant dark metal vehicles raised themselves from the ground and flew away from the prison into the dark abyss of space.

Rick quickly went over to the flight regulation desk and started disassembling it. He took a wireless earbud with microphone and connected it to the motherboard of the prison.  "Rick, what are you doing?" Squanchy questioned as he kept an eye out for gromfomites.

"C'mon, c'mon..." Rick muttered to himself while typing on the computer, "Talk to me."

"Oh, hey. You want to bother me again?" A familiar voice spoke jokingly.

He sighed in relief, "Fuck, it's good to hear from you, Babe."

"Who are you talking to?" Squanchy was obviously getting annoyed, thinking his friend is wasting time.

"I'll explain everything, but not right now." Rick brushed off the topic.

Him and Squanchy went back out and made their way through the hallways and up the elevator to Level 9 to find Phoenixperson. They were unsure in their abilities to undo what the Galactic Federation had done to their best friend, but they were certainly going to try their best.

As soon as they stepped on level 9, everything seemed unnervingly calm and quiet, "Alright, be really careful now, he could be anywhere." You warned, "Some of the cameras are broken and I don't have access to them."

Rick looked around the large room, Squanchy doing the same. His gaze fell onto several dead gromflomites on the floor, "I love what you've done with the place." he commented.

"Please stop making jokes and be careful!" You yelled.

"Sorry." Rick whispered.

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