Happy Campers (Chapter 5, Part 3)

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A few hours have passed by with all of you discussing various topics and you were starting to feel your stomach growling. "Who's hungry? Cause I'm starving." Rick suddenly jumped from his seat. All of you were excited to eat something. He went to the ship and lifted a metal plate on the side, revealing a whole barbecue. You joined him and noticed a cutting board on the side. He cooked the meat while you chopped the peppers and onions.

"Grandpa Rick, is there a bathroom here?" Summer asked.

"We're in the middle of a forest, Summer. A bathroom is all around you." Rick addressed.

Summer cringed, "No, like, that's gross and also I don't want a snake or something to bite my ass. It's not fair because you guys have wieners and you can just go whenever you feel like it."

"I agree with her on that one." You laughed.

"I'm a lady." Summer crossed her arms.

"You're a pain in the ass – Agh!" Rick rubbed his arm in the spot where you slapped him, "Sorry... and fine, I'll make your goddamn bathroom." He looked around his coat, "Shit, I forgot my portal gun, eh whatever." He took something out of the ship, a purple box, he fiddled with it for a minute. "Happy now? I brought it here from the microverse." He said when an exterior toilet suddenly appeared behind the ship.

"Thank you." Summer opened the door of the nicely looking, small bathroom and locked herself in.

"Nice." You commented.


The food was done and it also started getting dark. You threw a match on the pile of branches, the flame illuminating a small part of the dark and cold forest. All of you sat and ate around the cozy camp fire, enjoying each other's company.

"Oh no, we forgot the s'mores!" Summer exclaimed, "Damn, I was so excited, haven't eaten those in forever."

You grabbed your backpack, pulled out a bag of marshmallows, crackers and a bar of chocolate and gave them to the kids, their faces light up with joy. Soon, Rick and you joined them in consuming those tiny piles of calories.

"You guys really think we're gonna get real footage of the Bigfoot?" Morty asked.

"They are night creatures and can smell food, aka the fake food I put down, from miles away and if there really was a sighing here then there should be no problem." Rick blew out a small fire on his marshmallow.

"I can't wait to see the footage tomorrow morning! That assignment will be so good, I'll be in the news!" Summer said with glee.

You looked at the night sky, it was without a single cloud. All the shining stars left you in awe. "Wait, we forgot to setup the tents," you spoke, "it's really dark now. How are we gonna- " Rick pulled out two metal disks out of his lab coat and threw them over his shoulder. The disks quickly transformed and turned into two decently sized tents. "You amaze me more and more every day." You whispered to him, he smiled proudly.

A few hours later you glanced at your phone to see it was 2 am. Morty and Summer were starting to also get tired so everyone went to bed after putting out the fire. The kids in one, Rick and you in the other tent.

Rick unzipped the tent to let you in first, he came in after you and zipped it back. You took off your shoes and pants. After taking off your shirt you went to undo your bra, but noticed Rick looking at you with a wide grin.

"What?" you whispered.

"Nothing, don't let me distract you." He spoke softly and sat closer to you, "I'm just admiring how beautiful you are." He reached with his hand to your back and swiftly unclipped your bra.

You eyes fell shut when he kissed your collarbone, "Leave some for later, Science boy." You cupped his face and pecked his lips. He took off his coat and such while you put on a comfy over sized t-shirt. You slid under the covers. Rick wrapped his arm around you waist to pull you closer. Your back against his warm chest, you didn't mind at all and the night was pretty chilly. 

"Good night, Y/N." Rick whispered and you felt his hot breath on your shoulder.

"Good night." You said calmly.


You were half-asleep, it took some time for your body to adjust and relax to a new bed. Your mind was also racing, you just layed there in thought for hours instead of falling asleep.

Suddenly, you felt Rick's breath getting shallow and quick, his whole body started shivering. This panicked you a little. You turned to him, "Rick? What's wrong?" he didn't respond, his eyes were still closed. You ran your fingers through his hair in a soothing motion and kissed his head, "It's okay, Honey. I'm here... It's okay."

After a few moments, he finally calmed down and his eyes slowly opened, "Sorry I woke you up." He spoke very quietly, as if embarrassed.

"That's okay, I wasn't asleep. Tell me what happened."

"I just had a... nightmare. It's nothing. Why weren't you asleep?" he changed the subject.

"Getting used to the new bed and sleeping in a new place. It always takes some time for me to adjust."

"Something's bothering you."

He saw right through you, but you tried not to worry him, "It's not."

"What is it?" he demanded.

You paused for a moment, thinking if you should share something pretty personal with him. You trusted him, so you spoke, "My- my husband passed away very early when our son Jake was born, so it was just me raising him for the majority of his life. Jake got engaged and moved to a whole other city about ten years ago... I don't see him much nowadays. So I've been on my own for a while now. I mean, I have friends and they're great and all, but when I come home, I'm just by myself..."

Rick took your hand in his, "Do you want to... move in with us?"

"Rick, no. I can't ask that of you. It's not right... so many people live in that house already, I don't want to be a burden to anyone." You explained.

"You're not a burden, don't ever say that."

"I know you don't mind me staying, but I don't know how everyone else would feel about it... I just need to stop being a baby and suck it up, I guess."

"What if..." he suggested, "I moved in with you?"

"No, Rick..."

"It would be just you and me." He smiled.

"Stop." You begged, "I can't ask you to leave your family for me. They would miss you, I mean I do live quite close, but still."

"Miss me? Oh, please." Rick laughed, "They tried to move me to a nursing home like a month of me moving back in."

"Really?" you giggled.

"Really." He kissed your hand, "They'll be fine without me, I promise you."

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