Ricks Will be Ricks (Chapter 11, Part 8)

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The grand golden doors opened, revealing you in handcuffs with two cops bringing you inside. Your Rick ran and was by your side in a second. The cops uncuffed you and Rick embraced you lovingly.

"Are you okay, Babe?" Rick questioned in worry as he cupped your face.

"I'm okay." You smiled, "Also, you really love getting into trouble, don't you?"

Rick smiled back, "I don't love the trouble, it loves me."

"I missed you." You kissed him sweetly. The Morty President cleared his throat to get your attention, but you both ignored him.

Rick raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? Did you miss me while you were on that date with another me?"

"How do you know about that?" You chuckled.

"Don't change the subject." Rick whispered.

"You really wanna talk about that NOW?" You asked.

"No." He kissed your lips, "I'm just glad you're okay."

The Morty in a black suit and red tie cleared his throat very loudly once again. Both Rick and you looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"Alright, now that you're finally here Y/N, we can talk. I'm the president of the Citadel- "

"Wait, YOU are the PRESIDENT? You're a child!" you cut him off, "Sweetie, I don't think you should be in charge... you know you're still very young and very hormonal and your brain isn't fully developed yet..." Your Rick held back laughter as you spoke, but Morty looked furious and embarrassed at the same time, "There are still a lot of changes that your body needs to go through before you become responsible enough and capable of becoming a President."

"Fuck yeah! Tell him, Babe." Rick continued giggling as Morty grew more uncomfortable. The guards too had tiny smiles creeping on their faces.

You then felt the weird headache creeping up again. The voices of people in the room with you felt distant, but you could hear the unknown voices, that only you seemed to hear, clear as day, "Is all of this really necessary? It's taking too long!"

Another voice sighed, "For the last time, yes. It is necessary. We need to be sure he trusts her completely."

You were brought back to reality by Rick shaking you lightly, "Babe, hey. What's wrong?"

A guard laughed, "Bro, I think your girlfriend's broken!"

Rick ignored the comment and looked at you, "Babe, talk to me."

"I don't know what's wrong with me..." You whispered to him, "I keep having these... I don't know how to describe them... I'm scared."

"Don't be scared. I'm here for you, okay? When we come home, I'll help you." He spoke lovingly.

You gave a weak smile, "Okay."

"We talked enough it would seem. Take her away." Morty ordered. A few guards grabbed you while a few more held your Rick so he wouldn't intervene. He punched one of the guards across the face and he fell to the ground, but more of them joined in so he couldn't do anything. They trapped you in a small glass chamber that stood in the corner of the room. You couldn't hear anything they were saying, but you could see your Rick struggling to break free.

"Let her go! I'll murder every fucking one of you if you don't!" Rick yelled. He calmed down a bit after he saw you shake your head 'no' to try and tell him to stop.

"I can kill you right now, you know you don't have a role in my plan." Morty spoke.

"But your little robot said I couldn't be killed... that I'm the only one who couldn't die." Rick looked at him, "What did he mean by that?"

"I don't recall him ever saying that."

Rick hissed, "He did, I was there!"

Morty shrugged, "Must have been a glitch."

Suddenly a pale gray smoke started coming in from the top of the glass chamber. You could no longer see what was happening on the outside. Breathing became slower and your eyelids felt heavy.

Rick panicked, "What is that? What are you doing?!"

"It's nothing dangerous, it's just gonna put her to sleep. We don't want her escaping while we clone her." Morty spoke calmly, but was interrupted when his phone rang, "What is it?... Who's coming up here?" He looked worried and then commanded the guards to lock the door.

The golden doors blasted open and two Ricks and a Morty let themselves in. 'Doofus' threw a metal disk near a group of guards, it electrocuted them causing all of them to fall to the ground. "Where is Y/N?" Cowboy Rick asked while pointing his gun at all the guards and killing any who tried to shoot him first, his Morty doing the same.

"Over here!" 'Doofus' Rick ran to free you from the glass chamber. The glass lifted, but before you could collapse to the ground your Rick caught you in his arms.

Cowboy Rick pointed his gun at your Rick, "Let 'er go, partner."

"No, she's my girlfriend!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, my bad." The cowboy lowered his weapon.

"Are these idiots your friends?" Rick asked you.

You smiled, half awake, "Fuck yeah they are, you should be grateful."

More guards showed up, trying to kill all of you. Luckily, the cowboys and 'Doofus' came prepared and the guards were very unsuccessful. The Ricks saw that their efforts were fruitless, so they decided to surrender. They all left the room despite the President telling them not to. Cowboy Morty then had the President at gunpoint, "What should we do with him?" he asked.

"Don't kill him." You were finally waking up and tried to talk, "He's just a kid."

"What else can we do?" Your Rick met your gaze, "He wanted to clone you, Y/N! And kill me! I don't think there's anything we can do to make him change his ways. We should just burn this whole fucking city down until there's nothing left of it."

You spoke calmly because you saw how stressed he was, "Rick, you can't do that. Do you know how many people live here? They have jobs here and friends. It's all they have. You can't take that away from them. You may not agree with it, but... it's not up to you to do what's right. You don't live here, they do." You glanced at the two other Ricks, "I won't let you destroy their home."

Rick sighed, "Fine... you win." He looked over at 'Doofus' and the cowboy Rick, "You assholes are in charge now. Don't fuck anything up, alright?"

Suddenly, the President kicked cowboy Morty in the stomach and took his gun. He aimed for you, but cowboy Morty pulled his arm so he shot 'Doofus' Rick in the head instead. He fell to the ground, motionless. You gasped and wanted to run over to him, but your Rick held you back and pulled you behind him. President punched cowboy Morty across the face and he was knocked out. Cowboy Rick then ran to take the gun back, but was too late. Morty managed to shoot one more time and the bullet hit your Rick right in the chest, he fell to his knees... his breathing became shallow. 

Cowboy Rick punched the President and knocked him out, then he helped cowboy Morty stand up to his feet. They turned to you and their eyes filled with sadness as they couldn't do anything to help.

You wanted to scream as you watched a pool of blood appear in front of your boyfriend, but no sound came out. You too collapsed to your knees in front of him and wanted to put pressure on his wound with your hand.

"Babe, don't." He stopped you, "That won't help... I'm sorry."

"What can I do? Tell me..." You trembled.

"It's okay, Babe..." He met your gaze, "You'll be okay without me, but I'm so sorry it had to end like this."

"I won't be okay, how can you say that?" You cupped his face and rested your forehead against his, "Don't leave me, Rick... I love you so much."

"I love you more than anything, Y/N... I always will." He wanted to say more, but he couldn't. His body gave out and he fell next to you.

Tears started flowing down your face, "Rick..." you called out. He wasn't breathing nor did he have a pulse. You wrapped your hands around him and rested your head on his shoulder, "Please... no..."

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