Chapter 1

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                                                            T/W for abuse & Swearing

Peter's P.O.V

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I whisper-yell to myself as I'm running down the streets of Queens, hoping I'm not too late.

There was a bank robbery during my patrol that lasted way longer than I wanted due to those shit-heads holding hostages.

Why can't criminals just do crime without holding hostages, huh? I mean, what do they even get from holding hostages? more money if they don't hurt those innocent people? Or are their lives just so miserable that the only way to feel superior is to be above other people?

Yeah, I don't get that. I mean. I've had a pretty "rough" life, but you don't see me robbing banks even though I don't have any money.

My train of thoughts gets interrupted by the sight of "Happy Hill Orphanage", the god awful place I call home. It may look nice on the in- and outside,  but it's owners are a bunch selfish psychopaths who beat up kids for the smallest things, like not moving out of their way fast enough when you walk past them.

It's a kind of a small building. It's like a small apartment building except that everything is connected. It has 3 floors and a backyard. On the first floor there's one big room with a kitchen, a living room and a big dining table. In the back of the room behind the stairs, which is to the far right of the room, there's an office where people sign and talk to the owners about adoption, it's pretty empty most of the time. At the far end of the big room, behind the dining table there's a door that leads out to the backyard.

If you go up the stairs, you get to the second floor (No shit sherlock), there's all the bedrooms. There aren't a lot of them, so 4-5 kids have to share a cramped up room togheter, some have to sleep on the floor because there aren't enough beds. I often take the floor because I'm often out as Spider-Man during the night (If I'm not punished and get locked in the closet (heh)), so I would just waste a bed spot that another kid could use.

Third floor is reserved for the psycho-owners, Mrs. and Mr. Thomas. If you even dare touch "Their Stairs" you are punished, which is total bs. 


As I'm standing outside the hellhole I call home, I'm mentally and physically preparing for what's to come.

I walk up the stone steps to the "nice" orphanage and open the door, which gives out an loud "screeee" sound.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!!??" Mrs Thomas screams in my face, making me frown due to my heighten senses. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!!??"

I close the door behind me and carefully glances at the clock in the back of the room to see that it shows "8:45pm".

"It's 8:45pm ma'am" I say in a monotone voice.

"AND WHEN SHOULD YOU BE HERE?!" she continues screaming.

"latest 8pm ma'a-" I reply but get cut off by a slap to my face, on the cheek.

As I'm about to try (at least try) to come up with an excuse, my thoughts get cut off once again, but this time it's a hard punch to my stomache. I fall to the ground in pain as she startes kicking me from my stomach up to my face, I am so going to have several bruises tomorrow (again...). Mrs. Thomas continues to kick me all over until Mr. Thomas walks down the stairs to the 1st floor.

"Kelly dear, that's quite enough. You shouldn't waste your energy on that worthless brat." Mr. Thomas says in his usual calm terrifying voice.

Mrs. Thomas looked to her husband and then looked back at me with disgust in her eyes, and as a "last minute punishment" she spits on the floor next to my face and leaves me laying there on the hard wooden floor to sulk.

You might ask yourself, "Peter! Why don't you just fight back?", and well... I could technically kill both of them with a punch... And that's not something I want to deal with. Plus,  before I got bitten by a radioactive spider, giving me super human powers, I was just "that one loser" who "got bullied and couldn't stand up for himself", I was just "poor, orphan Peter Parker". If I all of a sudden showed how strong I was and beat up everyone that bullied/hurt me it would be suspicous. And I have people I have to protect. The kids in the orphanage, who are either younger than me, the same age as me or older, and I don't care what anyone says, but I have to protect them from those psychopaths and this terrible world, even if it costs me my safety and happiness.


After laying on the floor for, what feelt like hours, but was probably just 20 minutes, I try to sit up, which suprisingly works. I look around the big room, and thankfully it was empty while the whole "face and stomach meets punch and kick (again...)" ordeal happened, since I couldn't really look around the room before.

It takes a couple of times to get up on my feet, but after the 5th attempt it works. I slowly, but carefully make my way to the stairs on the far right of the room and start walking straight to my shared bedroom. But before I make it there I hear a small sniffle(Due to heighten senses, like hearing). Standing in the middle of the narrow hallway between the rooms, I hear the sniffle again. It appears to come from one of the bedrooms where some 5-10 year olds sleep. I carefully make my way up to the door and knock on it softly before opening it quietly. Inside I see Megan, Annie, Emma, Nora, Sophie and the crying 5 year old Sally all sitting on the floor, the other girls are trying to comfort Sally.

The moment the door opened all their faces flashed with terror before realising it was just me. Sally leaped up from the floor at the sight of me and started hugging my leg, I crouched down to her level and held her in my arms reasuring her everything was okay, while drawing small circles on her back.

"What happend?" I asked the other girls.

"W-we... We all heard Mrs. Thomas scream at you and..." Sophie, the 8 year old started.

"Sally was about to go down to the kitchen to get some water. Then the screaming started and she saw a bit of what happend before Megan dragged her back to our room". Annie, the 10 year old finished.

"I don't... I don't want... you to get huwt Petew!" Sally whisper-yelled into my hoodie.

"Shhh, it's okay, everythings okay." I told her as she started to calm down. "look at me, You don't have to worry about your big brother. I can handle whatever they throw at me, as long as I know that you are all safe." I said with a confindent smile.

After that I helped them all get into bed (some had to share beds togheter) before telling them 'good night' and making my way to my room.

The door was closed, so I carefully opened it to see the room already dark.

'They are already sleeping?' I thought to myself. I shared the room with George, Jake, David, Maxwell (but we just call him Max) and Elijah (who we also just called Eli), they were either 15, like me, or 1-2 years younger. They always tell me that I shouldn't take all the beatings and that they can take some too, but I always dismiss that suggestion and often take their punishments too.

I make my way over to my "bed" on the floor at the back of the room and try to make myself comfortable, even though my body is hurting like hell. I'm too lazy to change into anything else, so I just lay there on the floor, on my pathetic attempt of a "bed" and slowly drift of to sleep, which doesn't take long at all.



That's the first chapter! Yay!

I hope you enjoyed it!

Next chapter will mayhaps come out this weekend.

That's all for now folks!



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