Chapter 40

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I just want to say that this chapter can be a little... umm... "Sadder-ish"...
Kinda... Idk.
Read at your own risk.

Enjoy the story!

Peter's P.O.V

"Hey Petey~Pie..."


I remember him...

I look at Wade in horror. I was...- I was fighting Wade...

No no no no no no.... This...- this... I would never...


The knife that I was holding, falls out of my hands and I carefully stand up. Keeping my eyes fixated on  Wade and... and the stab wound...

I hurt him...

I feel all my emotions well up inside of me and I can't control them.

I start screaming and I can't stop. My body won't let me stop.

All the pain... All the guilt... All the fear... It all just comes out...

In the end I screamed out all my energy and the world went black.




I carefully open my eyes and I'm greeted to a grey familiar ceiling. I'm laying on something soft, like a bed. It's actually quite comfortable.

I then realize that someone is holding my hand. I carefully sit up and look to my left and see... Wade... He's okay...

He has a worried and shocked expression on his face and his eyes are very red and puffy, like he's been crying a lot. There are still tears falling down his cheeks and it pains me to see him in this state. My eyes slowly fall down to his stomach and I can see that it's bandaged up. I quickly look away, feeling the guilt crawl down my spine.

We're both quiet, not daring to break the silence. Then Wade stands up with a quick movement and he hugs me intimately. I slighly flinch but he just holds on to me tighter. His warmth is comforting and I lean into the hug not wanting to let go. I feel tears prick my eyes and just the bare thought of finally knowing that I am safe was enough to just let my emotions out.

Big hot tears fill my vision and it all comes flooding down. Wade holds on to me tighter and I start to sob loudly.

I hear Wade's soothing voice through all my sobs, telling me "Everything's alright" and "You're safe". I feel his head move a little and I slowly glance up at him. He's looking to the end of the room where I see... Iron Man... and Stephen... and someone I don't really recognize, shock is covering their faces. I quickly look away and lean more into Wade's warmth as he strokes my hair.

I hear the other's footsteps as they approach my bed. I carefully look up from Wade's shoulder again and see Iron Man just some feet away with Stephen and the other guy behind him. Iron Man has a pained expression and he glances back at the man I don't recognize.

"Bruce... why is he awake...?" Iron Man asks the man who's name is apparently Bruce.

"His metabolism must've completely devoured the medicine that would put him to...-" Wade says but stops in his sentence when he sees the fear enter my face. Were they going to put me to sleep...?

I hear Bruce swear under his breath and he walks over to one of the tables. I look back at Iron Man and he looks a little hopeful.

"Peter... do you...- do you remember who we are...?" He asks carefully with a hint of hope in his voice.

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