Chapter 2

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Tony's P.O.V

*Soft music playing in the background*


"What the...? Why am I on the floor...?" I ask myself laying on the cool floor of my lab.

"Shit, I must've passed out again..." I say quietly to myself as I attempt to sit up.

"That's one thing you're right about." I hear another voice in the room say. 

As I start to look around the room searching for the origin of the voice, I see my husband Stephen, sitting on the couch in the far end of the room reading a book.

"And you just left me on the floor? Instead of maybe, I don't know, laying me to a couch or a bed...?" I ask him with a hint of sass in my voice.

"You looked comfortable and I didn't want to wake you up." He said with amusment in his voice.

I just roll my eyes and get up from the floor, making my way over to the couch. I sit down next to him looking up at the ceiling.

"Fri, what time is it and how long have I been out?" I ask my A.I.

"The time is currently 9:36pm and you've been out for 23 hours and 5 minutes Boss." Friday answered with her usual irish accent, with a hint of amusment in her voice too.

"Damn, well, I guess I had the beauty sleep of the week." I say to myself, earing a chuckle from beside me. "So, what happened while I was gone?" I ask Stephen.

"Well for one thing, Clint and Sam nearly burned down the kitchen. Otherwise nothing much. Though you probably won't like this next part, but Fury want to see us" Stephen said a bit reluctantly.

'You got to be shiting me' I thought to myself.

"When?" I ask annoyed. 

Stephen looked at the watch on his arm.

"10 minutes. But he said he'd come to the tower, so I guess we'll meet him in one of the meeting rooms. The others already know that he'll be coming." Stephen answered calmly.

I just nodded and we started making our way out of the lab towards one of the meeting rooms. As we stepped into the meeting room I see nearly all of the other Avengers sitting around the table.

'Huh, I guess the pirate has something very important to tell us if he wanted everyone to come.' I thought to myself.

"Oh look! if it isn't sleeping beauty! Did you have a nice sleep princess?" Clint says in amusment. The other Avengers chuckling a bit to themselvs.

"Ha ha... very funny Katniss" I sass back.

"Alright, I think that's enough jokes for today children" I hear an emotionless voice say from behind me. 'Well shit'.

I turn around, only to be face to face with, the one and only, Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Well, isn't this a pickle.

"Ah Pirate! nice to see you again! Got a new haircut? Me neither! How was your day? I say with a small grin. If looks could kill, I'd be deader than dead.

"Go sit down Stark. I don't have time for your nonsense." He says ice coldly.

I oblige and walk behind Stephen to two empty seats by the table and sit down.

"So, now that you're all here, let's get straight to business." Fury starts. "You all know the vigilante Spider-Man, right?" He asks.

We all nod, some giving small 'yeah's or 'of course's.

"Well, we need to know who the man under the mask is. If we don't know who he is, he could be a threat to society. So I'm sending you to capture him and find out who he is." Fury finished.

"But why though? He hasn't done anything wrong except helping people. How could he be a threat to "Society"? Clint asked confused.

"We don't know the reason he's doing this or his personal life. Who knows, maybe he's doing this whole 'hero thing' for a bad reason and he turns evil. You can never be too careful." Fury answered a bit annoyed.

"... Or maybe, just maybe, he's a good guy just trying to help people." I answer back coldly.

"But we don't know that, now do we Stark?" He says back, just as coldly.

I sit quietly in my seat.

"Exactly. Now, for the mission. As I said you'll have to go after him, capture him and get info about him. We need to know who he is, name, age and why he is doing what he is doing. Am I clear? Fury asked.

We all answer with a 'yes, sir', or for me who just says ' yeah, yeah'.

"Good. Well, then I'll be leaving. Happy hunting team." He said before leaving the room.

We all sit quietly for a lite bit before Bruce speaks up.

"So, how are we going to do this? And while we'll be trying to capture this guy, the green guy will NOT help. I'm not going to let that 'thing' out just to capture a spider."

"Don't worry Bruce, I don't think we'll need the green guy. So, we'll have to split into different groups" Steve starts. "Tony, Stephen, me, Nat and Clint is one group. Wanda, Pietro, Sam, Bucky, Scott and Vision is the backup-group. If our group can't take him then we all have to go after him. All clear?" Steve finishes.

We all nod.

Well, now we just have to wait until the spider comes out. All the other Avengers leave the room except me and Stephen. We sit quietly for a couple of minutes until Stephen startes to speak.

"I don't think this is a good idea." He says. I look up at him and takes his hand.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. After all, he's just a small vigilante. We'll get the information we need in no time and then it's over." I reasure him, then giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

He still looks a little bit hesitant but nods his head and we walk out of the meeting room to the living room for a movie night with the team.



Yay! Another chapter!

Just so we are clear about this Spider-Man, he has his hoodie suit cuz he couldn't get/make the spandex. So he found some red and blue clothes in an back alley one day and made that his suit. The clothes weren't that dirty or anything, so they work. He did make his web shooters though (cuz he finds spare parts by dumpsters etc). He makes the webs at school.

Also, Tony has Nano-tech, so doesn't really need the arc reactor anymore. But it's like a "holder" for the nano particles.

That's all for now Folks!



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