Chapter 21

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Peter's P.O.V

I am currently stopping a bank robbery and these guys are... really bad... at their, quote-on-quote, 'job'. They are wearing Avengers masks for children and think they're being sneaky. I quickly web them up and tell someone to call the cops. then I swing away and, as usual, end up on a roof and sit down. It's really starting to become a habit. But, I mean, it's so nice to just take a break and sit on a rooftop, watching the city you've sworn to protect. Then my spidey sense is telling me someones behind me and I know exactly who.

"You know you can't sneak up on me, right?"

"Worth a shot." Wade says and he sits down next to me.

"So, how was school?" I ask.

"Uhh... Well... It was kind of boring without you there." He starts and I smile. Then he takes his mask off to reveal a black eye. "But I kind of got... into a... little fight..."

"What happened?!" I ask worryingly.

"Well... Flash said some shit about my boyfriend... so... I hit him." Wade says and his face is a little red, so is mine.

"...So... we are... boyfriends...?" I ask and I feel my face turn even more red under the mask.

"Well, I guess so. If you want our relationship to be that, then yeah." Wade says and I take my mask off and hug him.

"Of course."

We stay in the hug for a couple of seconds, then we talk for a bit and look out at the city.

"So what did you do today?"

"Well... I got Mr. Stark's number not so long ago, so I texted him yesterday and asked if I could come a bit earlier. Which he was cool with. Though, when I woke up this morning I had a sensory overload." Wade frowns a bit and I quickly explain what it is. "So when I got to the lab, Mr. Stark had on some really loud music, which made the sensory overload worse. Then... He carried me to one of the bedrooms and told me to sleep... Which I did, of course. And when I woke up again, I felt much better and me and Mr. Stark worked in the lab for awhile. Then we ate dinner and I'm on first name basis with Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Black Widow. And Quicksilver, or Pietro, even... ran... me home. Literally. He carried me on his back and dropped me off at the orphanage." I finish and we both laugh.

"Seems like you had a good day... well besides for the sensory overload." I nod and Wade stands up. "Well, I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow?" I nod and stand next to him. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and he waves and runs home. I put my mask on and start looking for some crime.




Tony's P.O.V

"Boss, Spider-Man is currently out." Friday says and I look at the other Avengers. They all nod and hurries off to change into their suits, well, except for Bruce, who stays at the tower. 5 minutes later, we're in the living room again.

"You all know the plan. Capture the Spider and find out who's under that mask." Steve says and we leave the tower.

'I'm sorry Spidey for what's about to happen.' I think to myself.




Peter's P.O.V

I'm currently just swinging around the city looking for crime, or that is, until my spidey sense is telling me something's about to hit me. I avoid an... arrow...? Oh god. Oh god no. Why now? They've left me alone for awhile. Was that just to make up a plan to capture me? Shit!

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