Chapter 4

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Peter's P.O.V

So. You know how the saying "Too much of a good thing is bad"? Well, that "good thing" was talking to Mr. Lee, yeah I know, that's not a lot. But we are talking about me, Peter Parker, and anything small that's good, is enormous for Parker luck.

Now. You might wonder why I am bringing that up. Well! as I'm walking down the empty hallway, guess, just guess who is there, by my locker btw, waiting for me.

Ned? MJ? Maybe even Tony Stark? Nah. Fricking Flash (Gordon) Thompson, and of course, all his buddies. Well folks, get ready for the first beat up of the day.

"Oh Penis! There you are! I didn't see you walk out of school with those nobodys!" He yelled as I got closer, feeling anger creep up on me after those words. He noticed my frown. "Oh no! Did I say something wrong? I am soooooo soorryyy. Are you going to going to go tell mommy? Oh wait, you can't" He said with amusment in his voice.

"Please just leave me alone Fla-" I started but got cut off by him shoving me at the lockers. "oof"

"Oh, I'm sorry Parker. My arm slipped." He said, some of his 'friends' were laughing in the background.

Before I could say anything else he punched me in the stomach, which made me fall to the floor. Then he started punching  and kicking me in the stomach and the face. 'Great now I'll have even more bruises, as always'.

The beat up ended after a couple of minutes. Flash and his friends left me on the floor in front of my locker without another word except laughter. I just sat there on the floor like yesterday, and the day before that, and all the days before that.

"God Peter, you really are worthless." I say to myself as I start to stand up and make my way out of the school to do the one thing I actually enjoy doing. I hurry off to an empty alleyway to change into my suit, then I jump up on a building and web my backpack on the farthest corner of the roof. I used to just web it in the alleyway, but from personal experience, that's not a good idea. I lost 3 backpacks by doing that, so this is probably the safest. I tried to call Ned but he didn't answer so I just guessed something came up.

Looking down at the city I start my patrol. Little did I know that this patrol would be a long one.

Tony's P.O.V

We were all sitting in the living room watching a movie. I was sitting next to Stephen and Bruce, Steve and Bucky were cuddling on their own little couch, while Natasha sat on another couch braiding Wanda's hair and Wanda was braiding Pietro's short hair. 'How does she do that?'. Clint, Sam and Rhodey were sitting on another couch, all doing different stuff. Clint was laughing his ass off because of something funny on the screen, Sam was looking on his phone, stone-faced and Rhodey was half asleep. Scott was home with his family and Vision was probably in his room, doing god knows what. Then a thought came into my head.

This was my family, I have a husband, I have friends. 'How did I get so lucky to have these people in my life? Do I even deserve them? Probably not-'

"Boss, Spider-Man has been seen in Queens." Friday said, interrupting my 'depressing' thoughts.

"Well then! What are we waiting for!" I say getting up from the sofa.

"Is it alright if I change to the backup group? I just... I don't know, I don't want to go after him right away..." Stephen said looking up at me with worry in his eyes.

I looked at Steve, who 'sadly' had to leave Bucky from the couch. He shrugged and I looked back at Stephen.

"alright Hun. But you know, if we can't catch him you'll have to help." I told him with a gentle voice. He nodded.

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