Chapter 6

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I'm just going to skip the weekend cuz nothing really happens. Peter takes care of the kids, goes on patrol, gets chased by the Avengers, gets home, small beat up, then he goes to sleep. Both saturday and sunday. So the story continues to monday and the first day of the internship.

I wonder what will happen?~

Oh yeah, quick note! I am Not from America, nor have I ever been to NYC, so if I get anything wrong I am very sorry!

That's All! Enjoy the story!


Peter's P.O.V

I wake up earlier than usual, like, around 5AM. I'm too excited. I mean today... Today my life will maybe turn around and something good will come out of it.

I lay in my 'bed' for about 30 minutes until it's time to wake the other kids up. I hurry around to wake everybody up. We make breakfast and we're out of the house a bit later than I would've liked, but at least the psychos hadn't woken up yet. You know what happens then. Walking the young kids to school, saying goodbye, yada yada.

Making it to class on time, for like the first time in forever, I sit down next to Ned and MJ as usual.

"Dude! You look happier than usual." Ned says to me as we do our secret handshake.

"Ned. Todays the day! Today I'll start my intership! You have nooooo idea how excited I am!" I whisper-yell to him as the teacher walks in.

The lesson starts and I'm impatiently waiting for the day to end.

~Time skipperoo~

Walking out of the school I say good bye to Ned and MJ, since they are going the other direction. I am very thankful that Flash didn't catch me as I walked out of the school, otherwise my face would look worse than it already does. At least my black eye and split lip is nearly gone (thank you fast healing), though, yesterday when I got home a little too late, I got some punches to my face and now I have a big bruise on my cheek. 'I hope they won't mind it.' I think as I hurry off to the subway that will take me to Manhattan.

30 minutes later I get off at my stop and start making my way towards the famous Avengers Tower. It looks amazing! I sometimes swing past it when I'm on patrol. There's been a couple times where I've just been sitting at the top of the tower, looking down at the city I've sworn to protect.

Making it to the front doors, which open automatically, I step into the lobby. It's enormous! People are walking here and there, nearly everyone is in suits.

I walk up to the front desk where two women are sitting. I look at their nameplates, which say 'Wendy Taylor' and 'Carrie Miller', they both look like they are around their late 20's to ealy 30's. They look a bit busy so I just stand there waiting until Ms. Taylor looks up from her computer and looks at me a bit confused.

"Can I help you kid?" She asks a bit confused.

"Oh, uh, yeah! I... uh... I'm here for my internship. My name i-is Peter Parker." I stutter out.

She looks at me for a moment but then looks back at her computer and starts to write something. After about 30 seconds her face lights up a bit and she gives me a smile.

"Oh! You are that high school intern then, right? You're like the youngest intern S.I has ever had!" She says more cheery than before. I just nod and give her a small smile.

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