Chapter 17

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Peter's P.O.V

Sunday wasn't that bad. Mrs. Thomas hadn't really gone downstairs. I'm guessing she was sulking in bed all day. But since we didn't know if she would come down or not, we stayed in our rooms, not daring to leave them. At some point we quickly walked to the kitchen to make breakfast, then later lunch and in the evening, dinner. But otherwise, we were all quiet.

Later in the evening, around 12AM, Wade came by. He had knocked on my window and I had let him in. He came there to tell me not to go on patrol (Which I was about to do). He was sitting on the dresser under the window and I was sitting on the floor. We talked for a bit, mostly whispering and Wade asked why my room was a sad excuse of a closet. And I told him that it was exactly that. A sad excuse of a closet. He frowned but didn't push it. We exchanged phone numbers (Because I had been too awkward to ask for his number earlier and he hadn't asked for it) and about an hour later he had to leave and told me to sleep. But before he jumped out of the window, he asked me to come a little closer, which I did.

Then he kissed me on my forehead and quickly jumped out of the window, giving me a wink and a wave as he started to run home. I was blushing like crazy. I layed down in 'bed', thinking about what just happened. 

Wade kissed my forehead.

I... uhh... kinda liked it. It was... nice. 

I then closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

~Timeskip to monday~

I woke up around 5AM and I felt my mood spiral down the second my eyes opened. Today is Ben's birthday... I'll make sure to visit him later. I was out of the house before 7AM and made it to school 5 minutes before the bell rang. As I entered the classroom I saw Ned, MJ and Wade in the back, so I hurried off to them and sat down beside Wade. Both me and Wade were blushing a bit and Ned and MJ noticed it.

"Did something happen?" MJ asked with a smirk.

"Well..." I leaned closer so no one else could hear. "Wade knows I'm Spider-Man."

Ned looked over at Wade with a big grin and was about to ask how that happened, but the bell rang and the lesson started.

~Timeskip to lunch~

At lunch me and Wade told them how he discovered my identity and Wade also told Ned and MJ that he is Deadpool. Ned nearly fainted (as usual) and MJ gave him a thumbs up.

We were enjoying lunch until Flash walked over to our table with his goons.

"Well look who's back! We were wondering where our favorite victim was last friday." He says and I try to ignore him. "I'm guessing you aren't able to pay for school anymore so you had to take a day off." He has an ass eating grin on his face.

"Leave me alone Flash. I have my reasons, but being too poor to go to school isn't one of them. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to class." I say, starting to stand up. He grabs my arm and I can see Wade's about to do something, but I give him a look telling him to 'Stand down', so he continues to watch the situation with caution.

"The fuck did you say to me bitch? You know. We all hoped that you were planning on joining your parents and your aunt and uncle. But they would probably just get annoyed, seeing you again. No one wants you! No one wants Poor, Worthless, Orphan Peter Parker! You are a fucking freak! Probably got it from the freaks you call parents!" He says, laughing.

When he brought up my parents, Ben and May I got mad and without thinking, I hit him in the head with an empty tray that was on our table. Really hard. Not enough to make him fly. He just passed out. People were around me, all starring. Probably thinking "Did Poor, Worthless, Orphan Peter Parker just knock Flash Thompson out?", "Peter Parker? That orphan?" 

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