Chapter 1: the incident (New + Old Version)

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A/N: I'm finally done with the remake of the first chapter. This one is less important to read as I've not changed the story much. However, it does display the evolution in my writing the most. Enjoy! 

New Version:

Friday is the best day of the week, at least before I have a job and responsibilities.

School was hard, as always. When the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and ran to my locker before running outside to meet up with my best friend, Mark. He wore a black jacket and some baggy jeans, his red glasses hanging on the tip of his nose. He had a big smile on his face, chipped tooth and all. He lost it when a random kid in elementary school opened the door and accidentally smashed his face.

We left the vicinity and slowly walked home. Well, Mark instead strolled home since his classes today were way more tiring than mine, and he couldn't wait to leave. Surviving French and maths back-to-back each week is a hell I would never want to go through.

He turned around to me.

Mark: How was your day?

Y/N: 'twas okay. I'm assuming you had a terrible time.

Mark: Yep.

He giggled.

Mark: At least it's over now. What will you be doing?

Y/N: I'm going to chill in front of the TV. Too tired to do anything else.

Mark: Are you watching anything interesting?

Y/N: Yeah, there's this anime called Devilman Crybaby-

Mark: Oh! I heard about that one. Apparently, it's extremely violent.

I scoffed.

Y/N: You have no idea.

We continued talking about the anime for a few minutes. When we ran out of things to say, Mark changed the subject.

Mark: You heard about the disappearances?

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Y/N: Nope.

Mark: 5 teenagers entered a forest near Quebec City two days ago, and we haven't heard about them since then.

Y/N: Five? You're telling me that five people just vanished.

Mark: That's what the news is saying.

Y/N: No traces of them?

Mark: Nope.

Y/N: Damn.

Mark: Yeah, I know. Shit's crazy. The police are asking anyone for information, but apparently, almost nobody has given anything valuable.

Y/N: I hope that they'll find them...

Mark: Honestly, it seems unlikely they'll succeed. They haven't found an inch of evidence that suggests they've even walked into the premises.

Y/N: Huh? Not even footsteps?

Mark: Nuh huh. As far as we know, they're either dead and in the ground or another country. There are also some...theories.

Y/N: Like what?

Mark pointed at the sky.

Y/N: Aliens?

He frowned and turned to me.

Mark: No, the Rapture has begun.

I blinked rapidly, confused by his reply.

Y/N: You can't be serious.

His serious expression melted away with a wicked grin. He winked.

Mark: I'm not. The theories are about aliens: abduction and shit.

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