Chapter 36

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Song: If I could fly

Lyrics: Pay attention I hope that you listen, Cause I let my guard down

Now you know me,
For your eyes only.

Artemis' Pov

It took a lot of thinking on my part before coming to this decision.

"W-what?" He stutters, staring at me in surprise. I let go of his wrist, taking a step back as I nod my head.

"Follow me." I state blankly, running out of the house. I hear his steps behind me as we run through the dark forest. It's a full moon tonight, the perfect opportunity for him to be able to see my wolf. The cold wind blows on my face, cooling down the anger I felt at myself. He deserves to know the truth even if he already does.

I stop at the field of flowers, the snow covering it. My back faces him, as I look at the night sky a sad smile on my face.

"Artemis you don't have to-

"I do." I cut him off, turning around to face him. Taking deep breathes, I close my eyes, going down on one knee as I place my hand flatly on the ground, murmuring words under my breath. The wind picks up speed, surrounding as until it stops and everything suddenly becomes quiet. Opening my eyes, I see Storm staring around us in awe before his gaze lands on me.

"How?" He trails off and I smile.

"I learnt magic from my mother and Esme as well." I tell him, looking around at the field that once used to be covered in snow only to see the flowers blooming beautifully under the moonlight. Storm gulps, still staring around in shock and I take a step forward.

"I know that Arson has told you that I am a goddess and to be honest that is not how I planned to tell you the truth." I sigh, looking at the sky with a smile. "Sometimes I wish I could go back and do things differently because my past is not something I'm proud of."

Storm doesn't say anything, just watching me with that same blank look on his face.

I walk closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest as he scent calms my nerves. "I don't know what Arson told you but I'm letting my guard down and giving you all of me Storm."

My voice cracks and I feel his arms wrapping around me pulling closer into his warmth.

"It's alright." He mumbles stroking the back of my hair and I shake my head at him.

"No. I need to do this." I say and take a step back before standing on my tip toes and placing my finger on his forehead. "This might hurt a little." I mumble.

Storm's pov

The ground beneath me suddenly disappears, an excruciating pain in my head forces a scream out of my mouth. So many voices whisper in my ear, all trying to get my attention as I continue falling and falling until it's all quiet.

I pant heavily, rubbing my temples as the pain slowly dies down.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice asks and I raise my head to see Artemis staring down at me worriedly. I gulp, nodding my head as I stand to my feet. I frown to myself as I take in my surroundings. We are still in the field of flowers but it's day time and the weather seems to be a bit different than normal.

Turning around I open my mouth ready to ask Artemis what is happening only for the words to get stuck in my throat watching the serene and peaceful smile on her face.

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