Chapter 5

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Storm's Pov

Everyone has a place they think best. For some its up on a hill, others it's beside a lake or in the forest although those who in think in those kind of places have death wishes but for me my thinking place is when I sit on the toilet. There's something about just sitting on your toilet and thinking. I'm saying this because I have been able to find solutions to problems I hate and I have gotten the best idea from just sitting on the toilet.

A bang on the bathroom door startles me, Lyle's voice coming loudly from behind it, "I need to use the bathroom."

"Why?" Stroking my chin, I think of Artemis. I have never felt this strange sensations before when it comes to other people, even when I was with Carla she didn't make me feel this good but you know what they say about problems, if you ignore it, it will probably go away but not in my case. This problem is definitely not going away.

"What the fuck do you mean by why?" said Lyle.

"Exactly as you heard." I retort calmly getting more comfortable on the seat. Now where was I, ah yes Artemis. Thinking about today and how she left all of a sudden is weird not that it's my business because I literally just met the girl and-

"Storm! I'm serious get the fuck out!" He said banging his fist on the door.

"Arts cannot be rushed!" I yell back. "Look until you tell me why you wanna use the bathroom I'm not opening the door." I know I'm acting like a jerk right now but he deserves it. Maybe if I ask her on a date she'll want to go, not to brag or anything but who can say no it this face.

Your mom.

"Okay fine, I wanna do the dishes there!" He snaps

Making a tsk sound with my tongue I shake my head at the door, "Sarcastic answers aren't gonna get anywhere."

"Oh for fuck sakes Storm just open the damn door man." He whines, chuckling at his distress I get up and walk slowly to the door.


"You've got to be kidding me." He murmurs. "You're an asshole." He said and I roll my eyes at his answer.

"Fair enough." I unlock the door and he rushes past me not even waiting for me to get out as the sound of his zip opening meets my ear, laughing at the look of relief on his face I close the door and hop on my bed. Now wait a minute, why the hell didn't he use the bathroom down the hall but came to my room. I bet Jay has destroyed the place, typical Jay. I put one arm over my eyes and the other underneath my head, I'm definitely gonna ask her on a date, I hope I bump into her then that will make it so easy for me.

The sound of the bathroom door opening meets my ears but I ignore it, "Are you going to sleep?" Lyle speaks up after sometime.

"No, I'm just practicing how to die." I mutter.

"Jerk." He walks out and I sigh. I just have to wait for morning to come.


Remember how I said I want to bump into her, yeah I'm actually stalking her. I have been following her for the past thirty minutes ever since I saw her walk past my apartment. My classes don't start till 11am but here I am around 7 in the morning stalking Artemis. The lengths guys will go through just to get a girl is immaculate and I've got to say, my stalking skills are great because she hasn't even noticed me. I could definitely pass as a stalker if I were to be a creep.

As if you aren't being a creep right now.

She walks to a coffee shop, okay I've got this, shake it off Storm you've got this. Girls literally throw themselves at you, just go in there and casually bump into her it shouldn't be that hard. Bouncing on my feet, twisting my neck from side to side I open the door and enter. The smell of coffee hits me and I momentarily loose my cool when I watch her, I nearly forgot how beautiful she is. Okay Romeo now is not that time, put on your big boy pants and just do it before that goblin gets her number and by goblin I mean the dude behind the counter trying to flirt with her.

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