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"Come on Y/n, please!" Y/bfs sister said pulling out her new camera. "You're the only one who can convince Y/Bf!" She said looking over at him on his phone. "Can't you find someone else?" He said still reluctant to agree. I rolled my eyes at him "We'll do it." I said smiling at his sister and she hugged me "Thank you!" She walked out the room coming back to say "Tomorrow. I'll text you about it later." I looked over to y/bf who was still on his phone. "Why? I can't do posing for pictures." He said pouting his lip and holding up a peace sign. "It'll be fine!" I laughed. "Whatever. Let's go home." He said rolling his eyes. 

*Next Day* 

"Good Morning babygirl!" Y/Bf said, he looked nervous. "Morning cutie. You okay baby?" I asked sitting up and stretching. He nodded, "I brought you Starbucks." He said kissing my head. "Thank you baby!" I said "Wait am I forgetting something?" I asked him suddenly getting out of bed. "No." He laughed hugging me from behing and lifting me back onto the bed. "We're meeting your sister at the beach in 2 hours." I said wrapping my arms around him and laying my head on his chest. He played with my hair and kissed my head softly. "I have our drinks downstairs." He said letting me get up. "I'll be down in a few once I'm ready." I said kissing his cheek and going into the bathroom. I showered as quick as I could and decided to let my hair dry itself today. I ran downstairs and ran up behind Y/Bf wrapping my arms around him. "Hey princess." He said lifting my hand and kissing it. We sat down together to drink our drinks. "We're gonna leave in half an hour so we can get there on time." Y/Bf said. "I haven't done my makeup!" I said getting up. "You look beautiful regardless." Y/Bf said kissing my cheek and carrying me upstairs. I looked into the mirror at my hair "It's still not dry." I pouted. "Here I'll do it while you do your makeup." Y/Bf said getting my hair dryer. "Are you gonna curl it?" He asked picking up my curling wand. "I don't know." I said getting out my makeup brushes. "Can I curl it?" He asked bringing the curling wand. "Yeah sure!" I said smiling at his reflection in the mirror. Y/Bf carefully curled my hair while I did my makeup. "Do I gotta spray it?" He asked. I nodded handing him my hairspray. "All done." He said kissing my cheek softly so he didn't mess up my makeup. "Woah! You're so good at this." I said checking my hair. He blushed as I leaned up to kiss him. "Let's go!" I said once I was ready. We drove to the beach and got there just as his sister pulled up. They walked behind me talking to each other while I ran towards the water. Y/Bf was looking nervous again. "It's going to be okay." His sister said looking at me, I nodded "Come on Y/Bf it's fine!" I said holding his hand and pulling him towards the water. He lifted me up and kissed me. "You're beautiful!" He said kissing my cheek. "Y/N can you do a spin so I can rexcord it?" His sister said clicking another picture. I nodded. I looked back round to Y/bf on one knee and pulling a box out of his pocket. "Y/N Y/L/N I love you more than anything and you keep me going and I don't see my life without you. You're the prettiest girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Will you be mine forever and marry me?" He said revealing a ring. I nodded "Yes!" with tears in my eyes. He placed the ring on my finger and stood up to kiss me. He lifted me up and kissed me again. "I'm the luckiest guy alive." He said. "And I'm the luckiest girl." I said. "I love you so much." I whispered to him burying my face in his chest. "I love you so much more." He said kissing the top of my head. 


Sorry for taking so long to write a new imagine :/ Ily all and thank you for reading my imagines <3 

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