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I groaned as my alarm rung in my ear. I reached my arm out and turned it off, sighing to myself as I stared at the almost fresh cuts along my arms. I hate Mondays, it means going back to the Hell hole that causes all this depression in my life. It's mainly the people in school, more than anything. They always laugh at me, especially Y/Bf's group, Y/Bf is the worst of them all. I got up, overcoming the dizzy feeling, I walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and showered; Once I was in my outfit, I walked downstairs. I didn't feel well at all. I ate breakfast hoping I would feel better, it only made me feel worse. I took a paracetamol and shoved the packet in my bag along with some food and a bottle of water. I said bye to my parents and left the house. I drove to school, taking a deep breath before walking in the doors. I was immediately greeted by stares, whispering and laughing around me. I walked to my locker, my head hung low. Before I could even get anywhere near my locker I bumped into something. "Watch it!" I heard a familiar voice say, it was Y/Bf. I regretted not watching where I was going. "Oh, look it's the walking dead!" A lot of laughing was followed after his comment, he must think this is a joke but it's really not to me. "Sorry." I muttered, trying to walk away. "Where are you going? Bin's that way!" He said pointing to the bin, another chorus of laughter followed. I shoved my way through the crowd and leaned against the lockers. I've had enough of this! Every single day I think about killing myself, I want to end all this. I found an empty corridor and opened my bag. I searched for the paracetamol I had put in my bag earlier, along with my water bottle. I began crying as I popped the little pills out of the packet. I heard footsteps, but was too upset to care about anything right now. I placed the pills in one at a time, the footsteps had stopped, I assumed the person had gone. "Y/N! Stop!" I heard Y/Bf's voice yell. I shook my head, looking him in the eyes I carried on. "Please no!" His voice cracked a little and I gave in, he looked so upset. "Why?" He asked frowning a little. How did he not know it was all his fault? Him and his gang. Why was he acting so upset? I burst into tears again. He sat me down and gave me a reassuring hug. He rubbed my back soothingly. Once I had calmed down, Y/Bf took me to the nearest bin, I spit the pills out. He asked me again "Why?" I took a deep breath, how was I gonna tell him? "I just can't take it anymore. Everyone laughing at me and saying all this stuff about me. I don't know what to do! I have no one here to help either." I tried explaining things not making things too obvious. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. Y/Bf frowned looking at my arms "It's really all my fault! You've done all this because of me. I'm so so sorry! I got carried away with being popular and getting all this attention. I hate myself for this." He almost started crying. I hugged him tightly. "I understand." "Promise me that you won't do this to yourself again. Please." He pulled away looking me in the eyes. "Okay, as long as you promise to stop bullying people." He nodded. We missed first lesson together, talking. He was the one who made me feel so bad. But now he's the one making me feel so much better. We spent the rest of the day together. Sometimes with his group, but mostly alone. He was going to talk to his friends later, he promised me. He says that he's gonna tell them that me and him are friends so anyone who wants to bad mouth me can leave. Only his real friends will stay. I found this unknown feeling for him, not so much love, but it was more than liking him as a friend. I respected him more and he respected me too. Over the week we grew closer, me helping him learn and him protecting and standing up for me. His friend group grew smaller and I felt so guilty, but he always told me he was better this way.

Years later, and he's still there; only now he knows me so much better. He's my other half, we fit together like puzzle pieces. Mine and his family are united, we all get along so well. He's the one I'm walking down the aisle to. The one who tells me he loves me everyday. He still feels guilt for making me almost end my beautiful life, although he knows he is forgiven. He went from my bully to my world and my true love. 


Sorry that it's pretty depressing...

I just want to let you all know that I'm here for you all and there's always someone you can reach out to. There's always people who care about you and love you more than anything. It may seem hard right now but it always get better there's always a way around it. I'm so proud of you for coming this far princess. I know how you feel... I've felt like this too and I still do sometimes but you just need to breathe and look around you. All the things that you love, the beautiful world you live in, your friends and family and YOU. You're beautiful and there's no one like you in this world and that's what makes you so amazing. You're so strong and smart. I promise you one day you will find happiness and you will feel so glad that you didn't let what's going on right now get to you. I'm so thankful for you still being here and I love you very much. There are a lot of people in this world who love you or will grow to love you. Don't worry about the people who don't. Don't let other people's thoughts get to you. You do you and stay happy. The world's a much better place with you in it. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here you can talk to me at any time. EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY BBYG TRUST THE PROCESS :)

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