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"Mummy, wake up!" Sophie said jumping on me and Y/bfs bed. I groaned turning over. She stopped jumping and I opened my eyes to find that y/bf had gone. "Honey? Where did your dad go?" I asked pulling her closer to me. "I don't know." She said smiling and laying her head against my chest. I kissed her head and sat up. "Have you brushed your teeth?" I asked her. She nodded. "Okay I'm going to get ready." I stood up and walked to our bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went toilet then walked out to the smell of food coming from the kitchen. I could hear Sophie talking to Y/bf downstairs. I quietly crept downstairs. "What do you like on your pancakes?" Y/bf asked. Sophia laughed and answered "Chocolate!" Y/bf laughed too "of course. Sweet like my princess ." He said. I smiled I was so lucky to have him and Sophie. "I brought some raspberries. I know you and mum love them." He said. I walked into the kitchen and went up behind Y/bf and wrapped my arms around him. He jumped a little making Sophie giggle. "You scared me baby." He said turning around and kissing me. I smiled "good morning babyboy." I said. "Good morning beautiful." He turned back to his pancakes. I sat next to Sophie who automatically wanted to sit on my lap. I pulled her onto me and wrapped my arms around her. "How are my two girls feeling today?" He said getting the plates and putting pancakes on them. "I think we're all good daddy."  Sophie said. Y/bf got out the Nutella, honey and raspberries. "Here we go." He said putting the plates on the table. I loved Sunday's like these. I put Sophie in her special chair and gave her a plate. I put the chocolate on her pancakes and y/bf gave her a bowl of raspberries. I put honey on my pancakes and put a handful of raspberries on top. "What are we doing today?" I asked y/bf as I washed the dishes. "I think we should all go out." He said cleaning Sophie up. "Yay!" Sophie smiled. "Here let me finish the dishes you go and get Sophie ready." Y/bf said coming up behind me and kissing my neck. I nodded and Sophie ran to me. I took her upstairs and showered her then got her dressed in a pink top and jeans. I then let her go play while I went to shower and get dressed in my favourite shirt and pants. Once I did my hair and makeup I went downstairs. "Where are we going?" Sophie said as y/bf put her shoes on and helped her into her jacket. "To the park and then to get ice cream." He said. "Yes!" Sophie said hugging y/bf. He picked her up and kissed her cheek. I grabbed my shoes and walked into the room and sat next to y/bf. "Looking beautiful as always." Y/bf said smiling at me. "And you're looking extra handsome today." I said smiling back. "Let's go now mummy!" Sophie said jumping off of y/bfs lap and taking both our hands. We walked out the house. Sophie in the middle of both of us and holding onto each of our hands. We walked to the park, Sophie skipping between us. As soon as we walked into the gates of the park Sophie let go of our hands and began running a little. "Don't go too far!" I shouted. Y/bf held my hand and I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head and we both walked behind Sophie, following her to the playground. Sophie ran to the swings and we followed behind her. "Look mummy! I can do it myself daddy taught me!" She said as y/bf helped her onto the swing. He pushed her once to help her and she began swinging her legs. "Wow well done sweetie." I said sitting on the swing next to her. "Here let me push you." Y/bf said getting behind me and slowly swinging me. "Remember our little park dates?" I said laughing at the memories. "Yeah!" Y/bf said. "Can I go on the slide?" Sophie said. Y/bf stopped the swing and we followed her to the slide. We found a bench on the side near the slide. "You go play we'll wait here." I said as Sophie ran towards the slide. Y/bf wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek sweetly. We watched as Sophie played and talked about random things. I was so lucky to have my little family. I turned and kissed y/bf "Thank you for everything." I said. Before he could reply Sophie came running to us. "Daddy I need water." She said, out of breath from running. "I forgot to bring some. How about ice cream?" He said. Sophie nodded and we all started walking to the little cafe in the middle of the park.
This is pretty long tbh but I kinda like it.
Do yall like imagines where you and y/bf have a kid??
Please follow me @_lost_dreamer_girl_
•I love you pretties•
Give me ideas please 🙃😚

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