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It's been a few days since my operations and the doctors have decided to start me on PT. I was pretty tired, I hadn't been able to sleep much after the operation because I was either in too much pain or kept having flashbacks. Any sleep I did get was disrupted by nightmares or nurses. I yawned as the nurse pushed me in my wheelchair. After a few minutes we pulled up to a room, she opened the door and pushed me in. There were a few people in there doing exercises. "Your aide will be here soon." The nurse said before leaving. I sat there waiting, there wasn't much I could do. I couldn't walk and my arms were weak. A guy in uniform walked up to me, smiling. "I'm Y/bf and I'm gonna be helping you out for the next few weeks." He smiled. He was pretty cute and I was certain I looked a mess. He pushed me to the other side of the room. "Do you think you'll be able to stand?" He asked. I nodded and he lifted me out of the wheelchair. "I'm going to take this over to where all the other chairs are." I stood there as he took the chair. I was trying my hardest to balance. He walked back, I could sense someone behind me and I knew it was him. I attempted to take a step forward, forgetting for a moment how weak my legs were. I tripped a little bit somehow managed to fall backwards. Thankfully Y/bf was right behind me and managed to catch me. I blushed as he held me towards his chest. "You good?" He said. I nodded "a little dizzy." I said. He held me and tried to help me walk over to the chairs. I tried stepping forwards again this time it was a little easier with the support from Y/bf. "When did you last eat?" He asked helping me sit down and then sitting next to me. I shrugged, I hadn't been able to eat much it made me sick."I want you to eat for me once they take you back to your room." He said. I didn't say anything. "You're a quiet one." He laughed. "I guess so." I said smiling at how cute his laugh was. He asked me a few questions and then I was taken back up to my room. Y/bf's words of "eat for me." Played in my head. It made me want to try even though he probably didn't realize what he had said. My mum came in to visit me and brought me some food. "How was PT?" She asked passing me a paper plate and setting my food out as I answered. My hands were a little shaky but I managed to eat a little. "That's more than yesterday. I'm so proud of you." She said hugging me.

It's been a few days since I started PT and I've been making quite a bit of progress, and not just with my PT. I've been getting closer to Y/Bf I really felt like I could trust him. "Hey Y/N." Y/bf said walking over to me. He took my hand to help me walk over to some space in the corner of the room. "You've been making so much progress!" He smiled. "He's so cute." I whispered, maybe a bit too loud because Y/Bf was blushing when I looked over to him. "I know I shouldn't do this." He said. "There's something about you." He said looking into my eyes and smiling. I blushed, he was still holding my arm. "Can I get your number?" He asked pulling out his phone. I nodded, he helped me sit down and handed me his phone, I put my number in. "Right we should get back to helping you recover." He said making me laugh. We finished the session and he decided to help walk me back up to my room. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said squeezing my hand lightly. He left the room and I sat down on my bed daydreaming about everything that had happened. I ended up having a nap because by the time I'd woken up it was 5:30. I checked my phone and saw I had unopened messages from a number, which I guessed was Y/Bf. I replied back with "hey." I got a reply back almost instantly.  "I was starting to think you hated me😂" I could tell he was joking but replied back with "nah I was just taking a nap." He replied again with "a well deserved one. Have you eaten since you came down for PT?" I smiled, he seemed to really care about me, or maybe he was just doing his job. I replied and then decided to just put on some music. We talked for a while and he told me more about himself. I found out a bit about his family and his situation with them.

I hadn't seen y/bf around for a few days and he hadn't been answering my messages either. I was going down to PT again today and hoped I'd see him just to make sure he was okay. Once I got down there I looked around and saw him in the corner of the room filling out some papers. He came over to me once he saw me but he didn't have any expressions. He didn't smile, or even talk to me.I stood up and slowly walked over to the bars. This was going to be one of my last sessions. There was an awkward silence between us and he only talked to me when he had to. "We're gonna have to get someone to check over everything next session." He said. I nodded, he looked as if he was about to cry. I gave him a sympathetic looks and walked over to him. "Are you okay?" I asked attempting to break the silence between us. He just nodded. "I'm only a text away if you need me." I whispered. I still had to wait for someone to come get me to take me upstairs. I sat in a chair and watched as y/bf got lost in his thoughts. He'd zoned out. Once I was back in my room I decided to quickly text y/bf. I was half not expecting an answer but still typed out "I know you're not feeling the best. I really hope you feel better soon. Meet me up in my room later if you're up for it." I sent the text and immediately texted my mum to try and get some stuff together to help y/bf feel better. I truly cared about him, even if we were just friends and had only been talking for over a week. My mum had just left when I got a text back from Y/bf asking for my room number. I quickly replied then went to the toilets to fix myself up a bit. I hid the things I had for him over in the corner and waited for him. I heard the door open and looked up to see Y/bf he looked tired but still managed to look quite cute. "Hey." He sighed. I patted the bed next to me in an attempt to get him to sit down. He sat next to me and sighed. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting, and I'm sorry for shutting you out."
"Thanks for apologising. You know I'm here for you if you wanna talk about it now." I said. He sighed again and shifted so he was facing me. "It's my mum." He started, I could tell he was almost in tears. I put my hand on his to try and comfort him a bit. "You can tell me when you're ready." I said pulling him in for a hug. He leaned into my arms crying into my chest before quickly pulling away and wiping his eyes. "I-I'm sorry." He stuttered, standing up off the bed. "It's fine Y/Bf, it really is I promise. I'm here for you." He looked me in the eyes before saying. "But we we've only known each other for, well not too long. I'm supposed to be strong especially since I'm your PT aide." He mumbled on for a little until I stopped him. "No, you're human and you're not working right now anyway. We're friends too and that means that I care about you. Thank you for trusting me enough to even come to see me at a time like this." I stood up and slowly walked over to where I kept all the stuff for Y/Bf. He followed behind me to make sure I didn't fall. "I got you these." I said handing him flowers and a box of chocolates. "You didn't have to." He said putting them on the bed and pulling me into a hug. "You've been so amazing." He said. He held me tightly as if not wanting to let go. "It might be too early for this but I truly like you so much, and I know you probably see us as just friends and I understand but." I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. He looked at me in surprise once we pulled away. I smiled at him before muttering a sorry. "It's okay." He said pulling me in for another kiss. "I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend." He said helping me over to the bed. I nodded "Yes." He smiled opening his box of chocolates and feeding me one. I knew I wouldn't regret this. 


I am so sorry this has taken so long to upload I've been caught up with college ://

This was a request from sheyonpointe 🤍

I hope y'all liked it and I just wanted to let y'all know that it may take me time to start uploading again but I'll do my best to fit it in. Much love-F 🤍💫

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