Mafia's obsession (2)

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Jeon Jungkook (series: part 2):
'Y-Y/N?' 'J-Jungk-kook?' I froze on my spot. Jungkook was going to the same high school as me back than, but he was older than me. When I got into high school he was already in his 3rd year. We became friends, but caught feelings for each other and so we started dating. My brother didn't know about it, but Lisa did. She made sure that he wouldn't found out. Not like he was overprotective, but I was just scared to tell him. I gave Jungkook my everything and than one day after our 'first time'...I woke up and he was nowhere to be found. I was searching for him, I tried to call him, text him and even visit his home, but no one was there anymore. My whole world broke down...I was badly in love with him and he left without a single word. He and his family never returned back to this house which he used to call 'home'. I was thinking about....why would he leave me? He knew that I'm a daughter of mafia, so that was definetly not the reason. I used to think that maybe I was bad at dating or something, but the fact that he used me, took my virginity and left me....threw me away like a trash broke me the most. Jungkook was my first and last love until now. I didn't love anyone except him in my life and now when he is back, my heart is beating faster again and my stomach is filled with the same feeling as before. One thing is very weird to me....yes, Jungkook was a bad guy, but never have I thought that he will be a mafia one day. 'Maybe he isn't the same Jungkook anymore....' I thought to myself as suddenly I felt Lisa squeezing my hand. I looked at her, realizing that I was staring at him the whole time while thinking. 'Oh...I mean...n-nice to meet you guys. I'm Yoo Y/N.' I introduced myself as they were really true gentleman and even kissed my hands. We all sat down and they kept on talking about business, but somehow Jungkook wasn't interested neither focused on what they were saying. He was just staring at me....we shared a couple of glances, but always looked away after a few seconds. I was bored and I also wanted to go home and cry my heart out. My whole chest was burning as everything suddenly felt so heavy. Tears were visible in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. I kept on drinking which helped me not to cry and forget about certain things, but also I was drunk by now which wasn't really good. Lisa noticed my state and softly rubbed my back. 'Are you okay?' She asked, whispering. I just nodded as she gave a glass of water which I gladly accepted. I drank the whole glass and suddenly felt even worse. I carefully stood up and smiled innocently. 'Uhm...please excuse me, I have to go to toilet.' Everyone nodded as I bowed and walked away. Lisa looked at me worriedly, but I just mouthed that I'm okay to her.

Jungkook's POV:
My heart was never beating faster than now. I saw her again even though I thought I would never be able to. Gosh only god knows How much I've missed her. I really blame myself for leaving her without a single word back then. It hurts so bad, but I had to. Y/N never knew that my father was a mafia too, but not that powerful so maybe, because of that. The main reason why I didn't tell her was that she always said How she hated this whole mafia world and How she wanted to be with a normal guy in the future. I always felt bad about lying to her, but I didn't want to loose her or to disappoint her, she was the only person that truly cared about me and that I cared about. My parents were always cold to me and so the love and comfort that I received from her was so special and precious to me......she was precious to me. The day after made love to each other I felt so happy and I wanted to be with her and protect her forever, but my sweet thoughts interrupted a message from my father, saying that I immediately needed to go home. As much as I didn't want to leave her...I knew How my father would react If I disobeyed him. I kissed her for the last time without knowing it and left. After I arrived at home my father immediately bombared me with questions about Y/N which shocked me, cause I never told him about her. However.......he was very angry at me for dating a powerful mafia girl like her. He said that she could destroy us any minute and I knew she wouldn't and tried to explain, but my dad didn't listen to me. 'That's enough! You'll never see her again and to help you with that....we are moving out from here to Busan!' He said as I kept on protesting, but eventually gave up, cause I knew it could get even worse. My heart shattered into pieces and that's when I realized....I lost her. He didn't even let me talk to her for the last time or text her. He gave me a new phone, took my gun away and guarded me until we moved out. I never saw her again until now. I met some of my members in Busan and after we became friends we opened this group and now we are of the most powerful mafias in Korea. I moved to Seoul again like a year ago after my parents died, but I've never seen her. I was keeping an eye on her....I had my guards around her all the time even though I knew that she had her own. I was just making sure that she was safe and happy...that's all I've ever wanted. Now that she is here infront of my eyes....I just want to go back in time and never let her go, but that's impossible now. She probably hate me now anyways so there's no way I can make it up to her, but I know that she deserves an explaination. I snapped back to reality when I heard Y/N saying that she is going to the toilet. I've watched her the whole time and she was drunk and not in a mood caused by me, I assumed. I didn't like this state that she was in at all so I excused myself as well, saying that I had to make an important call, but of course I went after her.
End of Jungkook's POV
Author's POV:
After Jungkook excuses himself as well, Yongha knew that something smelled fishy here. 'Do they know each other?' He asked Lisa quietly as she just gulped nervously and shook her head, but he could sense when she was lying. Now he knew something was wrong, but still he decided not to interfere in their business, cause whatever it may be, he wanted his sister to talk to him about it first. He told himself that he will wait till they get home and confront her about it.

Y/N's POV:
I was walking through this long hall, not many people were there, but the music was still so loud. I was trying to find the bathroom, but I felt dizzy and started stumbling. Suddenly I felt someone wrapping a strong arm around me and dragging me harshly away.....

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