Butter company (1)

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Kim Taehyung (series: part 1):
Y/N's POV:
I was upset when no one called me for an interview. I just got out of University with business degree, but no one seems to be interested enough to give me a job. I still live with my parents even though I'm turning 24 soon. I'm that single, but bubbly type of person. I have to admit that people sometimes doesn't understand me, but I got used to it. I was very excited to finally get a job and live on my own, but no...fate doesn't want me to I guess. I sighed as I stood up and went home. 'It's okay! Just keep trying...it will be okay Y/N!' I assured myself. I came home and went to take a shower. After I finished I went downstairs and saw my parents were already there. 'Hi Y/Naah! How was your day? Did you get any call?!' Mom asked me with excited expression as I just shook my head sadly. 'Ah, It's okay darling! You can live here as long as you want....you know that we love you, right?' My dad said as he patted my back. I just nodded, still feeling like a burden, but I knew they meant it. We were just eating and talking when suddenly my phone rang. I didn't pay much attention to it, since I thought it would be some of these annoying people trying to convince you to buy something, but when it didn't stop I grew curious. I sighed and picked up the phone. 'Miss Han Y/N?' 'Y-Yes...' I answered nervously as I thought maybe I did something bad without noticing again. 'Hello, I'm Joel, I'm Mr. Kim's secretary. Mr. Kim is the owner of the Butter company and he would like to do an interview with you.' He informed me as my eyes sparkled in happiness. 'Uhmm...yes, of course!' I said almost screaming as my parents looked at me suspiciously. 'Alright, I will send you the address and your specific number. Please, come tomorrow at 10am. Also...don't forget to bring your documents with you.' 'Yes sir, I won't!' I exclaimed as we said goodbye to each other. I stood up and started jumping around. I can't describe How happy I was. 'What happend darling?' Dad asked me weirdly. 'I got an interview!' I screamed and started dancing around like alittle kid. 'Wow, really?! We're so proud of you Y/N! But just don't do this around your boss, cause he will surely think you're not okay!' She said as we all laughed. I excitedly ran to my room and went to sleep as I was so excited for tomorrow, I have to admit that it was hard, but I knew I needed to sleep.

Next day:
I woke up and got ready pretty quick as I was too excited. I prepared my documents that were needed and also ate something. I looked at my watch and it was already half past 9, so I had to run I wanted to go by bus. Fortunately I made it right in time. After like 15 minutes I got out of the bus and ran as fast as I could to the company. It was really beautiful here, everything in yellow and the butter logo everywhere. I smiled and tried to find the reception. While I was walking I accidentaly bumped into someone. 'Omg...I'm so sorry.' I quickly apologized and stepped back to look If the person is okay, but I was in shock when I recognized him. 'Jimin?' My eyes widened in shock, but I was happy to see him. Jimin was my best friend, but time passed by and we kind of drifted apart. I hugged him out of happiness and he gladly returned. 'Y/Naaah, you look even more beautiful!' 'Omg..you too! You work here?' I asked as he nodded and we talked for a bit. 'Omg....I'm late! Fuck!' I cursed. 'Where are you going?' 'For an interview at Mr. Kim's office.' I replied as his smile dropped. 'What happend?' 'Uhm...nothing, let's go. I'm sure he won't be angry.' He assured me as I nodded. We chatted a bit and finally we were infornt of his office. 'K-Kim Taehyung?!' I read it out loud as Jimin nervously gulped. 'Look Y/N-' 'No, Jimin! You could've told me that It's him! I don't want to see him. I'm going back home. It was nice to see you.' I said and wanted to walk away, but someone pulled me back. I thought it was Jimin, but that person dragged me into this office and locked the door. 'Yah! Jimin-' 'I'm not Jimin.'

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