Obey His Commands

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Therapy has been going great for Anastasia and I. It's helped our relationship in only two weeks. I've learned way more about her as she has with me. Every moment I'm with her I cherish like it's gonna be my last time being with her.

All I ever want to see is her smile and never stop smiling because of me.

"You ready to go papi?"

She walked inside of the room putting in her earring, looking more beautiful than she had any right to be. I got up from the bed and wrapped my arms around her waist before making my way down to her two big planets other people call an ass. I smacked and squeezed all over them, which brought her flush against me. She giggled and rose up on her tip toes kissing me.

"Why do you keep denying me diosa?"

It's been two weeks and she still hasn't gave me no pussy. No matter how much I touch, lick, grab, smack, and even tease her. She will not give into me.

"Because I like seeing you hot and bothered like this..."

"Not cool..."

"All tense..."

She leaned in and licked up the side of my face.

"No self control..."

The next think I knew she gripped the fuck out of my dick, I grunted and bit down on my lip.

"And hard as fuck..." She chuckled

"Diosa you're torturing me."

"Am I really Mr. Miller?"

She took my bottom lip into her mouth and bit down on it as she sucked it, she moaned. Anastasia is so damn sexy, her body screams temptation, the way she walks and talks should all be apart of the four deadly sins.

"Just the tip diosa, pleaseeee." I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Baby put me down you're gonna make us late for our appointment. We get to hear our baby's heartbeat."

I groaned rolling my eyes before putting her down. Our baby is only three months and is already cock blocking me.

We both walked out to the car holding hands. After I opened the door for her, I bought her some food then went straight to our appointment. We ended up waiting for about five minutes until Dr. Smith finally called us back.

"Are you guys ready to hear your babies heartbeat?" She said excitedly

"Yes ma'am!" Anastasia smiled

I was about to say something but my phone started ringing. When I looked at it, it was a call from Selene my now second in command. I excused myself and stood outside the door.

"Háblame" (talk to me)

"Señor, necesito su ayuda. No puedo sacar a Diego y a sus gángsteres por mí mismo." (Sir I need your help down here. I cannot take down Diego and his gangsters by myself)

"Lo que está pasando, pensé que te dije que lo matara. Es un gánster por clamar en voz alta, no es donde está cerca de la mafia de la cabeza"

(what's been going on, I thought I told you to kill him. He's a gangster for crying out loud. No where near head mafia)

"Para alguien que no está cerca de la mafia de la cabeza, seguro que hizo un número en tu segundo al mando" (for someone who's nowhere near head mafia he sure as hell did a number on your second in command)

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I can't leave America to go to Mexico, without Anastasia. But I know she's not gonna wanna leave without giving me hell about it.

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