Chapter Twelve

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Connor tries to help Panthera but he can't. After Panthera is out, she automatically shifts into a human. Once she's in human form, Connor can see how bad her leg is. The bone is sticking out and there's blood everywhere. Connor drops to his knees in front of Panthera. “Help her dad, please!” he says between sobs. Candance picks up Katy and the backpack and Abaddon picks up Panthera and puts her in the car. Abaddon holds Panthera the whole ride. Panthera wakes up during the ride but she still can't see or hear anything. She passes out again. Katy starts crying and Connor takes her, feeding her apple juice. Candance and Abaddon watch as he feeds her and smiles. Candance and Abaddon look at each other then back at him. They get to the hospital and Abaddon runs into the hospital, carrying her into the hospital. They bring Panthera into the surgery room. Connor tries to follow them but the doctors won't let him. “Why not?” he asks worried. “You can stand outside the room but not in the room.” the doctor says. Connor stands outside the room holding Katy as he watches her in the surgery. “She's going to be fine.” Candance says, putting her arm around his shoulder. Connor shrugs off her arm. His mom and dad go and sit down but he doesn't move. She is in surgery for three hours before she is let out. They bring her into a different room and finally let Connor in. Connor walks over to her bed and sits down in the chair next to her. “She can hear you.” the doctor says. “Can I have some alone time with her?” the doctor nods and leaves the room. “Why?” Connor asks. “Why did you have to leave? Why can't we be a family?” He asks, gently grabbing her hand. Panthera tries to squeeze his hand or say something but she can't. Connor keeps talking and crying. After a while he gasps and stops talking. Panthera gets worried before he says “Did you just squeeze my hand?” Did she? She didn't know. She tried and he gasped again. Connor calls for the doctor. While the doctor is running to the room, Panthera tries to open her eyes. It's too bright so she closes them again. “You need to open them so they can focus.” the doctor says calmly. Panthera opens her eyes and keeps them open, trying to focus them. After a second she can focus her eyes on Connor. “Hey.” he says happily. She smiles at him. “She can go home tonight but she won't be able to do much. She’ll probably have to stay in bed all day for a few weeks.” the doctor says. Panthera groans, knowing she won't be able to go to the Cherokee mountains. “Are you ok? Does it hurt?” Panthera smiles and Connor calms down. Candance and Abaddon walk out of the room talking to the doctor. “Can I have Katy?” Panthera asks. Connor hands Panthera Katy and she smiles down at the sweet baby. “Why did you try to leave?” Connor asks suddenly. “Like the note said.” is all Panthera says. Connor growls and Panthera looks at him. Panthera plans on how she can get to the Cherokee mountains. She decides to fly instead of run. It would take a lot longer because she would have to land all the time but at least she would be able to leave. She's lost in thought when Abaddon and Candance come back in. They bring in a wheelchair and Panthera groans. “It's either this or I carry you everywhere.” Abaddon says. She sighs and sits up. Abaddon picks her up and puts her into the wheelchair. Candance tries to take Katy but Panthera doesn't let her. Connor pushes her wheelchair to the car. They get home and Connor doesn’t leave her side. He stays with her all the time. He helps her get everywhere she needs for a whole week. It’s after dinner and Connor helps her to her room. He helps her get ready for bed, turns away when she is changing. He helps her lay down in bed but he doesn’t leave. “Can you go?” Panthera asked nicely. “Why can't I stay here? I want to make sure you're ok.”  He says. She sighs and lifts up the blanket. He smiles and climbs underneath it. He wraps his arms around her and she smiles to herself. She feels safe in his arms.

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