Chapter Thirty Two

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It's been a week and the days have all been the same. Her cleaning, cooking, hunting, playing in the woods, cooking, sleeping, repeat. It's early in the morning and there's a noise. Panthera shoots up and all her cat fur is up. She jumps off the bed and slinks through the shadows. The front door opens and she jumps to the shadows. A person walks in and Panthera can smell something foul. The lights turn on and Panthera is shocked. The person standing in the doorway is Abaddon. Panthera can see the scars across his chest but his eyes are white. He looks around and his eyes land on her in the shadows. “There you are Panthera.” he says. Panthera’s eyes widen and she shoots between his legs. He turns and chases after her. She shifts mid-run, into a panther. She runs for a while before stopping. She looks back, panting. She can see him running through the trees so she shifts into a dragon and flies up. He grabs her tail and she flies higher. She flies higher and higher until she feels his grip loosening. She looks down and sees him trying to climb her leg. She flies above the clouds and he lets go. She watches as he falls. She flies down and sees his body. She shifts and walks over, her black hair billowing in the wind. She walks over and he looks dead but Panthera doesn't believe it. She shifts and flies to a graveyard with the body. She digs a hole in panther form and buries him. Once she's done, she grabs a stone and carves his name. She runs back home and goes inside. She gets an idea and walks back out. She grabs a mirror out of Candance’s bedroom and leans it up against the side of the house. She closes her eyes and thinks of a deer. She opens her eyes and looks at the mirror. She sees a black deer. Her eyes aren’t yellow but she's fine with that. She shifts into a dog next and it's the same, black dog. She tries to think of other animals and things of a horse. Fox, squirrel, owl, bear, wolf, she shifted into all of them. She shifts into a human and smiles to herself. She grabs the mirror and goes inside. She quickly shifts and runs upstairs in cat form. She jumps on Connors bed and falls asleep.

Panthera and the Ghostly Sister ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora