Chapter Forty One

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A few years later, Connor is trudging through the woods with Finn and Katy, Leon not far behind. A panther slinks across the trail in front of them and Connor stops. The panther turns to them, eyes wide. Connor and Leon trade glances when some cubs waddle after her. “Mom, can we slow down.” the smallest cub asks. “No, Forest, we have to go.” the mother replies, nudging the girl along. “Come on mom, Forest is right, we’ve been going for hours.” the boy replies. “And we are going to keep going until we get there, Midnight.” the mother replies to her son. “Panthera?” Leon says. Panthera looks over at Leon when the cubs stop. “Who are they, mommy.” Forest asks, her little voice quivering. “Those are some old friends.” Panthera replies in a soft voice. “Panthera?” Connor says, looking at Leon. Leon nods and Connor reaches his hand out. Panthera gently licks his hand before rubbing her jaw along his hand. He smiles to himself and the cubs waddle over. “Hi mommy’s friends.” Midnight says and Leon smiles. Panthera shifts and the cubs do too. Connor throws his arms around Panthera and the cubs start talking to Katy and Finn. “We need to catch up.” Connor says when he pulls back. “We do.” Panthera replies. “Forest, Midnight. Say hello to Connor.” Panthera says. The cubs say hello and Connor smiles softly. “They are yours, you know.” Panthera says. “What?” Connor replies. “Cubs.” Panthera says. The cubs look over at their mother. “Say hello to your dad.” she says. The cubs squeal in delight and throw their arms around Connor’s legs, smiling and giggling. “Hi daddy.” the cubs say. “Hi.” Connor replies. He picks up Forest, her little arms wrap around his neck. “Can I be daddy’s princess?” Forest asks, turning to look at her mother. “You can.” Connor says. Forest giggles and curls up against his chest. Panthera picks up Midnight and he giggles. They start walking home and Forest falls asleep in Connor’s arms. He smiles and kisses her forehead. “Welcome home.”

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