Chapter Thirty Five

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Panthera and Connor get home and Candance walks outside. Connor climbs off and walks forward and Panthera shifts. “Hey mom!” Connor says, hugging Candance. Candance hugs him back, smiling. Candance opens her arms and pulls Panthera in with them. They all let go and go inside. They talk and Panthera plays with Katy while Candance cooks. It's dinner time and they sit down and eat. After they eat, Connor and Panthera go to Connor’s room and go to bed. They wake up, get ready, and go to school. Panthera runs to the schools in panther form with Connor on her back. They get to the school and Panthera shifts to a human. “Do you want to come into school again?” Connor asks. “Yeah.” Panthera says shifting to a cat. Connor puts on his backpack and walks towards the school. “What's it like having a shapeshifting pet?” a girl says. Connor spins around and Panthera arches her back, hissing. “What are you talking about?” Connor says, trying to sound confused. “I know Panthera can shift.” the girl says. Panthera looks at Connor and Connor nods. Panthera shifts to a panther and stands at Connor’s side, partially covering him. “Who are you?” Connor asks. “My name is Persephone.” the girl says, holding out her hand. Panthera growls, causing the girl to yank her hand back. “What do you want?” Connor says, rudley. “I want her.” Persephone says, pointing at Panthera. “Over my dead body.” Connor says. “That can be arranged.” Persephone says. The ground starts to rumble and trees topple over, roots rip out of the ground. Panthera grabs Connor and throws him on her back, shooting off. Persephone groans. “They always run, why do they run?” she mutters to herself, following Panthera and Connor. A town comes into view and Panthera changes course, heading right towards it. Persephone growls and diverts with them. Panthera runs down the street, earning screams as she passes people. A little kid runs into the road and Panthera jumps over the head, making sure the kid is ok before continuing. The sound of a gun being cocked grabs her attention. She instantly locks eyes with the holder of the gun, an old man with a shotgun. He shoots right at Panthera and she curls into a ball around Connor as the bullet whizzes past. She hears it cock again and she stands up straight. She's a foot from the old man so she gently pushes the gun out of his hand before running off. Persephone follows close behind. She’s out of the town and in the woods now, Connor panting on her back, shaking. Her long panther legs tear into the ground, lurching her forward. She sees the house in view when Connor gets yanked off her back. She stops, sliding and ripping the ground. Candace runs outside and gasps. Connor is in the air, invisible hands strangling him. He’s gasping for air, looking at Panthera. “Come with me, and he lives.” Persephone says. Panthera shifts. “Ok, ok, i'll come, just let him go.” Panthera says. Persephone smirks, dropping Connor. Panthera shifts, jumping and grabbing his backpack with her panther jaw. She tucks and rolls, Connor against her as she surrounds him. They hit the ground and slide. Panthera stands up and Connor sits up. Panthera trots over to Persephone as she floats to the ground. Persephone grabs Panthera’s fur as Connor screams her name. “No! No! You can’t take her!” he yells. He runs towards Panthera but Candance grabs him from behind. “Stay away, or I'll kill you and take her anyway.” Persephone says. Connor starts crying and Panthera drops her head. Connor screams her name as Persephone drags her away. Panthera shifts into an eagle and Persephone let's go. She flies behind Persephone, following her, as she hears Connor scream her name.

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