Chapter Nineteen

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Panthera wakes up the next morning to Katy crying. She grabs Katy and walks downstairs, her midnight black hair in a mess. She looks at the time and it's 5 am. She gives Katy a bottle before putting her in bed. She changes into a pair of camo trousers and a brown tank top, brushes her hair and puts it in a ponytail before running outside. She shifts on the bottom step and runs into the woods. She goes to Connors house to talk to his mom and dad. "Oh, hello Panthera. What are you doing here?" Candance asks. "I came to tell you and Abaddon that I got a witch to erase Connors' memories of me. I wanted to tell you to make sure that he gets an amazing woman." Panthera says. Candance walks inside and Panthera walks off. She hears a scream from inside and runs in. "Connors gone!" Candance yells. Panthera nods and runs out the front door. She runs through the woods for a while when she gets his scent. She gets to a road and bends down. She sniffs for Connors scent and she gets it. She follows it and she finally sees him. She stalks up behind him and he turns. He lets out a frightened scream before Panthera bends down. She lays on her belly and scoots forward. He calms down and sits on the ground. Panthera scoots forward until she's a foot in front of him. He reaches out and puts his hand forward. She leans forward and sniffs his hand before licking it. He smiles and scoots forward. He feels her soft fur and scratches her head. "I'll name you Luna." he says. Panthera smiles but Connor can't tell. "I hate to admit it Luna, but I'm lost." Connor says with a laugh. Panthera slowly turns and bends down. Connor looks confused before Panthera licks her back. "Do you want me to get on your back?" Connor asks. Panthera nods and he smiles. He gently, cautiously climbs on her back and she runs off. He whoops out in joy and she tears down the road. She gets to his house minutes later and Candance runs out. "Thank you Luna!" Connor says. "Mom! I made friends with that panther!" Connor says excitedly. Candance smiles and nods to Panthera. Panthera nods back and runs off. Connor watches her go.

Panthera and the Ghostly Sister ✓Where stories live. Discover now