Chapter 5 - Rival

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Alexa's POV:

As the tears in my eyes cleared from my yawn, I had a good look at the boy standing in front of me. I'm not one to normally admit this, but damn he took my breath away. I was good at keeping my face x3 an emotionless mask, however deep down my heart was thumping faster every second and my blood rushed through my veins at an unforgiving pace.

I couldn't help but stare at his incredible blue eyes. I've never seen eyes like his before. They were my new favourite shade of blue, bright like a diamond shimmering in the sunlight.

They captured me for a long few seconds. I felt like a stunned deer staring at headlights in front of an oncoming car. It's like you know you should look away and save yourself, but you just can't.

It took me a second to realise he had asked me, no, told me to get out of his seat. I was way too tired to move, and it was my first day at this new school. There was no way in hell I was going to let anyone talk down to me or boss me around. That would just lead to the next few years getting picked on. Trust me, I've learned that the hard way, which is exactly why I stood my ground to that Jax guy earlier today.

I politely asked him his name and ignored him the moment he asked me for mine. His eyes were burning holes in my back as I had turned around to approach the back of my chair. I couldn't help exaggerate my slow movements knowing he was perving on me. I could just feel it. Normally I would be repulsed by it, however, my heart did little jumps at the thought. Pretending to write his name on the chair made me grin as I wrote mine. Totally worth a detention if I am given one.

I then casually sat back down in my seat while keeping eye contact with him like a wolf stalking its prey. He watched my every move with intense interest.

I could see Ed with his red hair from the corner of my eyes, trying to get a glimpse of what I had done. He was trying not to laugh. I could have sworn he almost fell off his chair and tried covering up his laugh with a cough.

Zander's eyes widened as he realised what I must have done. Though I was a little disappointed, he didn't bother going to have a look at my handy work for himself.

Wait.. did he just look amused? I was expecting him to be pissed! Especially since he sounded so angry earlier.

He soon sat down on the spare desk in front of me. In between doing my work, Ed began talking to me. Lucky for me I'm good at maths, so I didn't really need to concentrate. I have to admit he seemed like a good guy. He asked me how old I was. That was a little weird. I mean, aren't we all either eighteen or turning eighteen? I'll be eighteen in a month, so I just rounded it up a little. I didn't want to have the whole birthday talk when I knew I wouldn't remember whatever date he would have given me in return. A few minutes later, the classroom door opened and in walked Alessia, along with a girl I didn't know.

"You girls are late. Please find your seats and next time it's detention." Said the Maths teacher who's name I couldn't pronounce. Alessia just ignored him as she took a seat. She was obviously still finalising her enrolment paperwork as I saw them in her hands.

Alessia sat down near the front as there weren't any spare seats in the back. The other girl approached Zander and half sat on his desk.

I couldn't see his face, but they surely must be close for her to be acting the way she was.

"Zander," she greeted with a flirtatious smile. "Rachel." Zander barely acknowledged her without so much as looking up from his books that suddenly attracted all of his attention.

Rachel was clearly flirting with him, though he wasn't a man of many words. She was tall, skinny, had medium length light blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked like a typical mean girl, not because of her features but because of the constant scowl that appeared on her face anytime she looked at anyone other than Zander. There was no softness in her features or warmth in her eyes.

She was wearing a padded push-up bra (which was very obvious to us girls) and had light short shorts on, that were frayed at the bottoms and a short hot pink tank top which left half of her stomach out for display. Her make-up was heavy and pink to match her heels, and top, but it was a bit much if you asked me. Most of the guys were clearly checking her out, and she knew it. I couldn't stand girls like that.

"So Zander, I know you have been busy training lately and helping your dad with his.. uh.. business," she said carefully and quietly, not wanting eavesdroppers listening in. It surprised me she knew his family, proving to me how close they really must be. "But I wanted to invite you this Saturday at 7pm onwards to my house for my birthday. I'm turning eighteen and you know what that means." She said with a wink. "Everyone's going to be there, the more the merrier!"

What is the big deal that I'm missing here about turning eighteen? I wondered to myself.

She then placed her pink manicured fingers on his biceps, stroking the clearly defined muscle up and down his left arm. How dare she touch him like that!

I blinked fast a few times, shocked at my train of thought. I've never even looked twice at guys because I can't afford to fall in love and have my heart ripped out of my chest the second we have to move.

How did I not notice how strong and.. Okay, I really need to distance myself. I'm not thinking clearly.

As if on cue the bell rang. Zander and I jumped up so fast, clearly wanting to escape the class as soon as possible. We each noticed each other's fast movements and tensed, not knowing which one of us was going to run out between the row of tables first and not wanting to bump into each other awkwardly.

Zander's right arm with one fluid motion, stretched out in front of him, palm side up, and glided towards the door. It was a gesture followed by the words "after you Alexa" spoken with a gentle smile that got my heart fluttering and my pulse speeding up again. The way he said my name almost had my legs giving out from under me. Thankfully, my feet started moving on their own, supporting my weight as if following his command over my mind's command, though I couldn't blame them since my mind was still trying to catch up with my fluttering heart. One glance at Rachel as I walked by told me everything I needed to know.

With her eyes slightly squinted into sharp slits and a scowl causing her brows to meet in the centre above her nose, it was clear she didn't like me. I had taken Zander's negligible amount of attention off her without even trying. In fact, I'm sure he didn't even look up at her the entire time she was there, hanging all over him.

Alessia noticed everything with her sharp, calculating eyes. Although she wasn't there earlier, she knew something had happened while she had been gone.

Even standing at the front of the classroom you could cut the awkward tension with a cold butter knife. Even on a bad day there's no hiding things from Alessia. Not that I'd want to. Alessia is great at keeping secrets and it's not like I've got many people I can confide in.

I knew for sure she would have questions. I just hope she waits until we are well and truly out of this room, away from prying eyes and ears. In this small isolated school surrounded by nature, clearly this is the most excitement they have seen in some time. After all, how much trouble can one person get into in this quiet little town?

As Alessia followed me through the doors towards our next class, I stiffened, instantly realising something. She looked at me with a worried glance.

"What is it?" She asked.

I took a deep breath in before replying to her. "I never told him my name."

A/N: Thanks in advance to everyone who like, comment and vote for my story it really means a lot. Also, thank you to you silent readers hope you guys are enjoying my story also! Feel free to say Hi! Sending love to all! Xx

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