Chapter 7 - Making Enemies

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Alexa's POV

"I can't believe we got an invite to a party on the first day! That has never happened before. We should go shopping for a black dress as well." Alessia said while sitting on my bed. She watched me change into something that wasn't covered in red fizzy drink.

"Who says I'm wearing black?" I said with a smirk, thinking back to what happened earlier.


Earlier that day:

Straight after School Alessia and I head towards the bus. When we got there, I noticed Zander was next to Jax's seat at the back of the bus and Jax was nowhere to be seen.

"That's weird," I mumble out loud. Alessia heard, and waited for me to elaborate. I could feel Zander watching me, which was impossible because how do you feel someone watching you? It felt like warmth was moving over the skin he was eyeing, so without thinking I turned my head fast and watched as he turned away. His eyes suddenly fell onto Ed's collar that apparently needed all his attention. Busted! I thought to myself with a smile on my face. It was weird that I was right though.

"Jax took the bus this morning and isn't here, but Zander is?"

"Maybe he was in a rush today and needed to take Zander's car? He could have just asked to switch?" Alessia shrugged beside me like it wasn't a big deal.

Occasionally I'd look Zander's way only to catch him wrinkle his nose in disgust then force the reaction away. That was another odd thing I chose to ignore.

"So.." an annoying high pitch voice spoke from behind us. "I heard Zander invited one of you girls to my party on Saturday night." Rachel casually checked one of her pink manicured fingers with a bored expression on her face. She held a drink in her other hand. I could see the fury that lay just below the surface of her poop coloured eyes. Hmm, I've never been that observant before, nor have I ever compared brown eyes to poop before I thought to myself.

"I think you're mistaken." I blurted out mockingly. Relief and shock crossed her face before she could mask it.

She frowned not believing my words. "Oh no, I'm sure you would find my source to be very reliable." She said in a confident, condescending tone. "It doesn't matter, everyone's invited." Rachel attempted, but failed to hide the annoyance on her face. "But you need to bring at least one male to even out the ratio of boys and girls." She said, watching me curiously.

"If they were reliable..." I paused for dramatic effect, tilting my head to the side with a confident smirk on my face. "They would have told you that Zander 'and' Ed were taking 'both' of us to your party on Saturday night. No worries, I can bring my brother along."

My brother! I completely forgot to save him a seat. I looked around the bus and noticed him sitting towards the back. He was smiling at me with clear amusement on his face. He had been listening in on our conversation. I gave him a warm smile and ignored Rachel. She barely hid the annoyance and anger that had consumed her.

"It appears Rachel feels threatened by us Alessia.. Maybe she's scared we'll take all the attention away from her?" Alessia snorted out laughing, waving her right hand in front of her face. She struggled to breathe through her hysterical laughter. I wasn't sure if she found my condescending tone towards Rachel funny, or the fact that Rachel could no longer hide how angry she was at us.

Alessia held her stomach with her other hand, leaning forward in her seat. She avoided eye contact with me while trying to calm down. After a few long deep breaths, I could see tears on the sides of her eyes threatening to spill. This only meant her second fit of laughter was inevitable.

We knew each others facial cues like the back of our hands. She found the situation more hysterical than I had, however her laughter had always been extremely contagious. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop it if I tried, It was inexorable.

A larger smile cracked on my face, though I was doing my best to rein in the muscles on the side of my lips that fought to reach my eyes. When Alessia's eyes met mine, she witnessed my struggle. That seemed to have been her undoing, which was of course mine.

"Haha!" I doubled over beside her, holding my stomach with both hands.

"Hahahaha!!!! " We both gasped for air. The passengers surrounding us were a distant memory as we focused on sucking in oxygen so we wouldn't black out.

After a long minute I was able to look around. Our laughter attracted the attention of most of the students on the bus. My eyes found their way to Zander's curious gaze. He didn't bother hiding his charming half smile since everyone had the same look on their faces. It was all I could make out with my blurry vision.

Oh great, now I'm doing it! I thought to myself. This is bound to make matters worse with Rachel. She already hates me, that much was clear, but after this she would absolutely despise me.

We both doubled over laughing so hard our faces were red and stained with tears. You couldn't tell where they began or where they ended. Our faces were flushed and soaked. Half the bus was also laughing with us. Told you it was contagious, though I was sure only some near us would have been able to hear what we were laughing at. The thought alone made me laugh harder.

The only ones not laughing were a handful of nerds at the front of the bus too interested in their computer games and of course Rachel, who was now seething behind me with rage.

Rachel stood up, and I knew exactly where this was going. I turned to face her as she went to dump her bubbly pink drink on me. I quickly stood up, causing her to miss my head but soak my white long sleeve top.

"That's going to leave a stain." I hear Alessia cackling, still struggling to breathe.

Blame it on my uplifted mood after all that laughter, but I did what any rational person would do.. I hugged her.

It was only fair I shared the pink bubbly liquid which was fast absorbed by her pink tank top and bare sticky stomach.

She pushed me back instantly with a low growl. Her fingers curled into her palms, making a fist on either side of her. Her hands and body trembled. Wait, did I really hear a growl? I couldn't tell for sure over all the laughter that was slowly calming down.

She shoved me with quite some force, but I could tell she was holding back. I stumbled back and caught my footing.

"Rachel" I hear Zander almost growl in an angry tone, his voice sounded deep and sexy. Something about his voice full of authority sent tingles from the back of my neck, down my spine, travelling between my legs.

"This is your stop, isn't it?" Zander's voice sounded like a mix between a rhetorical question and a demand.

"Thanks for cooling me off." I said with a smirk as she stormed past me towards the opening doors on the bus. "I really needed that or I would have never stopped laughing!" I yelled out as she practically ran off the bus.

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