Chapter 78 - Preparation

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Alexa's POV:

Another week went by quickly. Alessia and I spent every waking moment training both our bodies and our minds. The morning would be spent with the pack, training and sparring. When we would finish we would shower, eat then make our way to our private training grounds in the woods behind Zander's family's cabin.

The cabin training grounds has become one of my favourite places on the island. Alessia and I strengthened our mind link enough to communicate anywhere within the packs border. Our mothers even made time to teach us some really cool spells and Alessia even knew how to make potions. They weren't really my forte though, I felt more drawn to spells and elemental magic.

Even though we were kicking goals, there was still one thing troubling me. "I have strengthened my connection to the sun. Both the heat of my fire attacks and the brightness of the light are easy to call upon now. The thing that has me stumped is that the prophecy mentions the power of the moon. Would that mean water? When will I be able to connect with it?" I ask Alessia for the second time this week.

"Alexa I told you it is one of those topics I can't talk about yet. Nothing I say to you will assist you connecting to the moon, it is something you need to figure out yourself at the right time." Alessia says sadly. "Parts of my visions go blank like there are parts even I am not allowed to see yet. I think it's to prevent me accidentally telling you and altering the future."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I just want to be prepared when the witch comes." I say walking back towards to cabin. I was exhausted after all the training all week. There were many late nights and early mornings.

Zander's been begging me to spend some time with him but I've been trying to help out the Sharp tooth gym with their paperwork remotely so any spare time has just been slipping away. I knew Shadow wasn't taking the distance so well and Glim was also beginning to get cranky.

Alessia drove us back to the mansion and for the entire ride, I couldn't wait to shower. Sweat clung my skin and I couldn't shake this irritated feeling that consumed me out of the blue. Maybe I just needed to rest, but I missed Zander and promised him dinner and us time tonight.

As the mansion came into view I jumped out of the car and dashed upstairs. To my surprise Zander's door was locked so I knocked on Ella's door asking if I could borrow her shower. Before she could say a word, a half naked Ben appeared with a smirk on his face.

"Hi Alexa, sorry I can't stay and chat I'm in a hurry." He says as he puts a shirt on. "Don't worry, we left you plenty of hot water." He said with a wink making Ella blush before he left.

After Ben was out of the room her expression changed to one that sent alarm bells off in my head. I was so desperate for a shower I didn't bother questioning anything though.

After a quick shower, I moisturised my skin and felt much cleaner and cooler that I had earlier. My mind felt clearer and I couldn't wait to see Zander. I had missed him so much over this past week. 

"Here." Elle opened the door holding up a black garnet bag, as I clung to my towel. I didn't bother fighting Ella on what dress she was torturing me with tonight, as I actually wanted to impress Zander and knew I wouldn't win anyway.

She stood there for a second as I unzipped the bag waiting for me to bite back. "What? No complaints this time?" Ella said sceptically while analysing me. 

I felt my face heat up, assuming it was caused by the pink blush that appeared on my cheeks. "Not this time Ella, besides I've never won before and I don't have that kind of energy to spare."

"Hmm, or could it be that it's been three weeks since you marked Zander against his will, and his been patiently waiting to return the favour? Please tell me your finally ready to seal the deal?"

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