Chapter 116 -Protector

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Alexa's POV:

As darkness embraced me as one of its own, there was a ringing in my ears. The kind of sharp high pitch ringing that became annoying instantly. To make matters worse, a splitting pain in my head made me feel dizzy and disorientated, and a burning pain in my heart would have brought me to my knees if I had control of my body. 

There was another sound. Something familiar, that I once knew but I couldn't quite focus my mind on it. It sounded as though I was underwater, distant and hazy. The more I focused the more my head would hurt.

Mike's POV:

An intense burning pain stabbed through my heart sending me to my knees. Vivian and Ella followed clutching their chest. The agony coming through the bond was even more crippling than the pain itself. My wolf and I couldn't bare for our mate to be in so much pain. I would take it all myself if I could, but it wasn't just my burden to carry. We knew instantly what this pain was. For Vivian and I it was a loss of our son, for Ella her brother. 

We were not the first ones who had felt this kind of helplessness. Here in the safe house we sadly had to watch many experience the loss of a loved one who was out there bravely battling while we protected the young, injured, or those too weak to protect themselves.

"No, please not my boy!" Vivian cried out in despair uncaring about who was around or looking weak. "Please moon goddess, not my little boy." I couldn't stand to sit here doing nothing, but listen to the heartbreaking sobs of my mate. 

I stood up steading myself against the wall. Ed was at my side in a flash doing his best to lock away his emotions as I was. Zander ordered him to stay with us saying if he and Jax happened to not make it, he would need to help lead the pack.

"I know what your thinking and you don't even need to ask." Ed said with determination. 

"I'm coming." I looked to my mate in shock. She hated battle, hated killing. "I want to look into his murderers eyes as I kill them." I would have laughed if the situation wasn't so horrible, but the absolute anger and determination barreling into me told me how serious she was. 

Ella looked to Max. I could tell she wanted to avenge her brother but her heart was torn. She also wanted to protect Max. "Stay with the boy." I said firmly before giving her a lasting hug. "Please know how proud of you we both are. We love you all so much." I choked out before turning towards Lucy and whispering a request in her ear. Lucy asked for my blood, while Vivian was talking to Ella. I sliced my palm open with my sharp claw and watched as she collected it into a vile. I didn't bother asking how she got it.

Once Vivian and Ed bid farewell to the others, we headed to the door. It wasn't certain if we would be coming back, but this was something we needed to do. Besides, Abe and Jet were doing a great job deterring any and all enemy's from the safe house.

Alexa's POV:

The splitting pain in my head and the burning in my chest just kept getting worse. If I was dead shouldn't I feel no pain? I thought to myself. 

The muffled sounds began sounding clearer, I could just make out what they were saying.

"No! Please no!" It was Zander's voice I heard but all I could see was darkness. 

"Don't.. flatter yourself brother, I didn't do it for you." Jax's choke sounding much like he was drowning. "I did it for my sister and niece." 

My vision began returning. I could see stars and a half moon. Warm tingles ran up my arm. I moved my hands to my head realising I had been thrown and had hit my head on a rock. 

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