Family Meeting

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Act 1Scene 2 ——————————-

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Act 1
Scene 2

"Our family has been invited to the Madrigal casa for their youngest one's gift ceremony tomorrow night."

It stayed silent for a mere two seconds, until everything went into utter chaos. Almost everything. Tía Paola sat quietly in the corner, paying now mind to the news that was just revealed to the family.

"WHAT?!" Bianca yelled. Everyone covered their ears as her voice echoed through the house.

When the noise went away, everyone including you looked up again.

"We're not going are we?" Emilio asks as he abruptly stands up and leans over the table, waiting expectantly for an answer.

Abuela sighs, "Hijo, I wish we didn't have to. Those filthy Madrigals and their entitled, selfish-"

"And slobby lifestyle!" My father finishes.

"Why do we have to go??" Reina and Lena whine at the same time.

"Yeah Abuela- why do we have to go! I don't want to see any of their fake, disgusting, sly grins!" You add in, slamming your hands on the table, accidentally making them go through the table.

"Yeah!" Diego agrees from beside you, also slamming a fist on the table.

"They didn't come to our gift ceremonies, so why should we go to theirs?" Valentina brings up.

"That's because we don't have gift ceremonies." Ale points out while holding his cup in the air using his own gift.?

"That's right!" Tía Sol jumps in. "They exploit their own children's special moments just for publicity! Monsters, they're monsters I tell you."

"Every single one of them!" Tío Francis agrees while wrapping a comforting arm around his wife.

"Everyone, I know, and I agree. But we must go."

"But why!" Bianca interrupts once again.

"Because, Bianca, if we don't go, we'll look bad in the Encanto."

"That's just stupid.." Diego mutters, but it's only audible to you.

"When we go, stay as far away from the Madrigals as possible." Abuela says while patting the edge of her mouth with a napkin.

"But Abuela, we don't know the Madrigals. How are we supposed to..?" You trail off as you motion to yourself and all your cousins and siblings that are the same age or younger than you.

"Oh that's right. The young ones don't know the Madrigals.." Your father says.

"Then I'll explain. Listen up children. There are three offspring of old lady Alma. One of their 'gifts' is to see the future."

"Gift? More like a curse to the Encanto.." your mother mutters.

"Next, one of their moods affects the weather. And the other, they can heal anyone and anything with their cooking. As far as I know. There are six grandchildren total. One can hear everything, one can shapeshift,"

"Camilo.." Diego grits his teeth with a growl. He absolutely hates Camilo. The joker in town. You'd never seen him, at least not that you know of, but your cousin described him pretty gruesomely: long knotted hair, glowing green eyes, and a shit eating grin.

"one can make plants grow, one is very strong, one didn't get a gift, and the youngest is getting their gift tomorrow."

"Laaaaame! Our gifts are cooler!" Bianca yells.

"Ugh, I don't want to see, 'Señorita perfecta' Isabela. She irritates me so much. Ma, do I really have to go?" Valentina asks.

"Sorry princesa, but you have to." Sol says.

"But hey! Maybe at the party you can prove to everyone at the Encanto who the number one princess in the village is!" Tío Francis smiles.

Sparkles appear all around Valentina's head as she sighs lovingly. "True.. alright I'll do that."

Abuela raises a glass and taps it with a fork to get all our attention. "Then it is settled. Tomorrow night, the Castillos will attend the gift ceremony of the Madrigals."


I know these first few chapters are a bit underhwhelming, but I really want to focus on the family dynamic so it feels even more real :)

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