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Act 1Scene 5 —————————-

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Act 1
Scene 5

"I knew I was irresistible."


"Oh shut up," You roll your eyes as the boy's grasp tightens on your hand.

He leads you to a more secluded area of the room where not many people were dancing.

"Have you ever danced before, hermosa?" He asks while positioning one of his hands on your back as the other remains holding yours.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I have." You say as the two of you start to sway slowly to the rhythm of the music.

"Pffft well you never know! You were just standing around at one of the biggest parties in the town, so I'd just assumed you do that at all parties."

"Mm, nope. I only stand around at parties I don't feel like being at." You say half jokingly. The boy in front of you gives you a peculiar look.

"We throw some of the best parties in town! How could you possibly not want to be here?"

Who's 'we?' You were about to ask, but suddenly the sound of a door opening abruptly could be heard echoing throughout the large room. Everyone wishing proximity turned their heads to the source of the noise, including you and the boy.

You gave eachother concerned glances as you stopped dancing. He took his hand off of your back, but kept his other connected with yours. Not a minute later, yelling could be heard.

"The house is in danger! The house is in danger! There were cracks, everywhere! The tiles were falling, the candle almost went out!" A distress voice announced.

"Mirabel.." the boy besides you muttered.

Mirabel? You thought. Who's that?

The mystery boy held your hand even tighter. You looked down at your conjoined hands and realized that his knuckles were turning white. You looked back at the boy's face. He looked stressed and anxious. It made you wonder who this Mirabel girl was.

He caught you staring and meets your eye. "Let's go.."

"Go..? Go... where?" You ask, but before you could get your answer, he starts dragging you to where a crowd of party goers had started gathering around a young girl with curly hair and green glasses.

She was looking at someone in the crowd.


You can help but furrow your eyebrows in near disgust at the old woman.

She wraps her coat over her chest. "Show me."


We're all lead outside as the frantic girl explains her 'oh so tragic story.'

"What?! They were right here! Abuela I swear-"

Abuela? Oh, this girl is another one of those Madrigals. You think to yourself.

"Mirabel." Alma says sternly while holding up a hand to silence the young girl. Then Alma turns to the rest of us who were watching the scene unfold. "Do not worry! The magic is strong!.. and so are the drinks." She chuckles. "Luisa!" She snaps her fingers. Across the balcony, you could see a buff young woman carry in a piano while another man played.

Huh, so Luisa's the strong Madrigal.. you mentally noted.

After that, the party went back to normal. The boy leads you back inside and back to the area you two were previously in.

You both get into the dancing position once again, but it was deadly silent. The silence made it awkward, and you couldn't stand it.

"Soooo.. what was all that about?" You question, trying to break the ice.

"What? The thing that happened back there?"

You nod your head.

He shrugs. "How should I know? I was with you the whole time, hermosa." He showcases the lopsided grin of his.

"Are you always such a flirt?" You scoff, avoiding eye contact with the boy.

"Only towards the people I.. find interest in."

"Oh? And what's so interesting about me, huh? The fact that a girl like me was getting three glasses of punch for herself?" You laugh.

He laughs too. "Non non, that's not all! My thought process was like, 'oh whose that? Oh wait I've seen her. She's pretty. Go talk to her. Okay, I will' And bam! I went over to you"

"Pretty? You're funny." You nearly snort, never having been called such a thing by anyone other than your family.

"Funny? I mean it!"

"Weird." You deadpan.

"Weird?" He repeats.

"I've never been called that."

His yes widen, nearing the size of literal saucers. "'Scuse me.. but what?!"

"Shocking right? A 'beauty' like me should really get more recognition." You say sarcastically.

"Exactly what I'm saying!!" He yells. A few people around us glance our way. I look down from the embarrassment the boy is causing.

"Quiet." You scold him.

He looks around and notices the eyes that were focused on the two of you. He immediately lowers his voice to a whisper. "Sorry. But what? No one has told you that? Seriously?"

You lift your head back up to look back at the boy. "Yes, I'm serious. Why would I lie about something so embarrassing." You whisper back.

He twirls you around. "Well I for one, think you're beautiful." He smiles a genuine smile.

You felt your heart skip a beat at his words. The way he said it, the way he looked at you, the way he smiled at you, everything, made the blood rush up to your face as you stared at the boy wide eyed.

He laughed as he brought you back from the twirl, "Flustered?"

You shake your head for a moment, taking a deep breath in and out. "Of course I am, hearing that from someone like you. I mean, you're not too bad yourself, yanno."

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